Cuba Humanitarian Emergency

Girls study math at school.
UN Photo/Mark Garten

Hurricane Irma made landfall across the Caribbean in September 2017, devastating many countries including Cuba. This happened less than a year after Hurricane Mathew hit the eastern provinces of the country in October 2016. Hurricane Irma hit the northern coast of central and western part the country, significantly damaging homes and impacting basic and social services. The agriculture and thermo-electric sectors were also severely affected. Responding to both hurricanes, UNFPA has continued to focus on the provision of hygiene and SRH kits to meet contraception needs; prevent and treat STIs and HIV/AIDS; and care for births and obstetric surgeries for health units that provide gynecological services in affected municipalities.

Country Population: 11.4 mil

Humanitarian needs

3.98 million
Last updated on - 01 December 2018

Humanitarian funding

Resources in $

Key results2018

Emergencies related listing

  • Results data are reported and updated as they become available.
  • - Targets and UNFPA's populations of concern, including women of reproductive age and pregnant women, are estimated using the MISP calculator.
  • - Funding estimates are based on country planning processes, including inter-agency humanitarian response plans and regional refugee and resilience plans.
  • L1: Humanitarian crises in which the national and international resources available in the affected country are sufficient for the required response.
  • L2: Humanitarian crises requiring significant support from neighbouring countries, regional organizations and possibly humanitarian agency headquarters.
  • L3: Major, sudden-onset humanitarian crises requiring mobilization across the humanitarian system.
  • Crisis levels are determined by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, a forum of UN and non-UN humanitarian partners.