Yemen Humanitarian Emergency

A woman holds her son.

In Yemen, humanitarian needs remain high despite efforts to renew peace talks. The country is in the midst of a protracted political, humanitarian and developmental crisis. Violence against civilians and their assets is causing immense suffering. The entire population of 22.2 million people require assistance, including 2 million internally displaced people. Women and children make up 76 per cent of those displaced and are paying the heaviest price, as in most humanitarian crises. There are an estimated 3 million women and girls of childbearing age who need support. Rising food shortages have left an estimated 1.1 million pregnant women malnourished, and threaten the lives of 75,000 women who are likely to develop complications during childbirth, including risks of stunted growth of their newborns. UNFPA is leading the gender-based violence sub-cluster and is actively participating in coordination meetings.

Country Population: 26.8 mil

Humanitarian needs

24.00 million
6.00 million
8.20 million
Last updated on - 01 December 2018
UNFPA Yemen/Fahmia Al-Fotih

Humanitarian funding

Resources in $

Key results2018

  • People Reached
    People reached with Dignity Kits
    UNFPA-assisted safe deliveries
    Affected population who directly benefited from all types of emergency RH kits
    GBV survivors reached
    Affected population reached with Family Planning services
  • Services delivered
    Number of mobile clinics
    Functional health facilities supported by UNFPA that provide Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC)
    Number of safe spaces
    Number of service delivery points supported that provide clinical management of rape
    Maternity health facilities/tents/homes operationalized with UNFPA support
    Dignity Kits distributed
  • Capacity building
    Personnel trained on Minimum Initial Package (MISP)
    Has established a functional system for safe and ethical gender-based incident data management

Emergencies related listing

  • Results data are reported and updated as they become available.
  • - Targets and UNFPA's populations of concern, including women of reproductive age and pregnant women, are estimated using the MISP calculator.
  • - Funding estimates are based on country planning processes, including inter-agency humanitarian response plans and regional refugee and resilience plans.
  • L1: Humanitarian crises in which the national and international resources available in the affected country are sufficient for the required response.
  • L2: Humanitarian crises requiring significant support from neighbouring countries, regional organizations and possibly humanitarian agency headquarters.
  • L3: Major, sudden-onset humanitarian crises requiring mobilization across the humanitarian system.
  • Crisis levels are determined by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, a forum of UN and non-UN humanitarian partners.