UNFPA Ethiopia

The second most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ethiopia’s economy has experienced strong growth over the past decade, though its impact on poverty reduction is limited. Active in the country since 1973, UNFPA supports efforts to increase access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning and emergency obstetric care. Programmes also assist in addressing harmful practices that jeopardize the health of women and girls, such as female genital mutilation/cutting. The contraceptive prevalence rate has doubled in recent years, but challenges remain in promoting gender equality and improving maternal health.

Data overview Read more


  • Population aged 0-14

  • Population aged 15-64

  • Population aged 65+

Maternal and newborn health

  • Births attended by skilled health personnel

Sexual and reproductive health

  • CPR any method

  • Unmet need



Total fertility rate, per woman, 2010-2015

Life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth (years), 2010-2015

Harmful Practices

Child marriage by age 18, per cent, 2006-2017

  • Child marriage by age 18

FGM Dashboard - Ethiopia Read more

Key Indicators
Population size, female age 15-49 (in thousands), 2012
Prevalence of FGM among women 15-49 (%)
Prevalence of FGM among girls 15-19 (%)
Ethnic group with the highest prevalence in the country (%)
Existence of national policies and laws banning FGM; Year passed
*Later dates reflect amendments to the original law or new laws
Adolescent and Youth Dashboard - Ethiopia Read more

Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who were married before age 15

Select Indicator
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who were married before age 15
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who were married before age 18

Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who were married before age 18 or 15

Percentage of 15-24 year old females who think that wife beating is justified under at least one condition

Transparency Read more

Programme activities

  • All resources
  • Core
  • Non - core

All contraceptives - Ethiopia

No Data Available

Impact of UNFPA’s work

Global impact of UNFPA’s support

Unintended Pregnancies Averted


Unintended Pregnancies Averted

Materal Deaths Averted


Maternal Deaths Averted

Unsafe Abortions Averted


Unsafe Abortions Averted
