Women: guardians of heritage, keepers of knowledge and know-how, stewards of tradition.

Organized by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Directorate General of Cultural Heritage and the Department of European and International Affairs under the authority of Mr. Vincent Berjot, Director General of Cultural Heritage, Mr. Bruno Favel, Head of department and Mrs. Caroline Gaultier-Kurhan project supervisor for museums of African Heritage, the fourth edition of the Heritage in Africa seminar will focus on “Women, Guardians of Heritage”. 

This seminar will take place on October 21, 2014, in the Colbert auditorium of the National Heritage Institute (INP), 2 rue de Vivienne, 75002 Paris.

Registration is free but compulsory, with limited availability: (+33)1-40-15-34-21

Contact: caroline.gaultier-kurhan@culture.gouv.fr