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Annex II.1



Mr Ambassador in Osaka representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Mr Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Education, Science, Sports and Culture,
Mr Governor of Kyoto Prefecture,
Mr Mayor of Kyoto City,
Mr Chairperson,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

In opening the 22nd session of the World Heritage Committee, as the Representative of the Director-General, I would like, first of all, to transmit to you, his personal regret in not being amongst us in the beautiful historic city of Kyoto. The venue of this year's session is particularly significant for the important work that awaits us, for Kyoto, is an example par excellence, of a capital founded on the intimate relationship between nature and culture, as well as a city that became the soul of Japan's national cultural identity by developing an original and outstanding culture by its creative genius and by appropriating and transforming the influences of other civilizations into its own. It is this ingenuity of the Japanese people, their capacity to adapt and create, that is one of the basis of their strength. And this strength is not only the economic power that it has today, but more importantly, the strength of social cohesion built on consensus, and the dynamics of its culture and its creativity.

I therefore wish to thank the generosity of the Government of Japan, the Prefecture and City of Kyoto, and, of course its citizens, for hosting the 22nd session of the World Heritage Committee.

Japan is a relatively recent member of the World Heritage community, having become a State Party only in 1992. But its participation has given a strong impetus in widening the scope of reflection to make the World Heritage Convention more universal, particularly by addressing the fundamental issue of authenticity. The Nara Declaration on Authenticity, has today become an essential tool, not only in the evaluation of the cultural properties for inscription on the World Heritage List, but also in redefining the concept of integrity in relation to the now accepted notion of authenticity as defined in the Nara document.

My thanks to the Goverument of Japan must also be extended to its immense generosity towards the safeguarding of the world's cultural heritage through the Funds-inTrust established within UNESCO. Most of the significant activities of UNESCO, such as the restoration of Angkor in Cambodia, Hue in VietNam, Mohenjodoro in Pakistan, the cultural triangle monuments of Sri Lanka, Palimpur in Bangladesh, and Vihara in Nepal, the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal, Sanchi and Sadharta in India, the Nubia Museum of Asswan, the Probota Monastery in Romania, would not have been possible without the vision and generosity of the Japanese Government.

The year of Japan's accession to the World Heritage Convention was also the year the Director-General established UNESCO's World Heritage Centre. His objective was to create a transdisciplinary, inter-sectoral co-ordination unit at UNESCO Headquarters, linked with a network of offices in several countries around the world to increase UNESCO's capacity to service the World Heritage Convention. We must not loose sight of the fundamental objective of the Convention, which is to challenge, collectively, the increasing threat on cultural and natural heritage posed by the changing social and economic conditions, as its preamble states. Furthermore, for this heritage to have a meaning to contemporary society and for world heritage to be transmitted to future generations, as Article 5 of the Convention enunciates, the States Parties to the Convention, individually and collectively, must be pro-active and preventive, as much as it needs to develop its reactive and corrective canacities.

The ambition of the World Heritage Convention is indeed colossal. It goes far beyond the mere collection of sites to demonstrate the diversity of species and typologies of cultures. Its raison d' être is for the protection of heritage of outstanding universal value to serve as the catalyst, for all nations and their people to protect all cultural and natural heritage bequeathed to humankind by nature and by past civilizations. And yet more, for the wealth of heritage to enrich present and future generations and to serve as inspirations for new creativity. The Convention specifically calls for States Parties to integrate cultural heritage protection into a comprehensive policy of territorial management, in other words to ensure that culture becomes part of the sustainable development process. In this regard, the cooperation of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, whose representatives are here with us today, can be considered an important and promising step in that direction.

Raising awareness and support of people, especially the youth, to become active citizens in promoting an environmentally sustainable and culturally sensitive global community is one of the top priorities in the world heritage conservation process. The priority given to education at all levels of Government, and also the private sector, leading to the resurgence of Japan after the Second World War, should be a lesson to us all. Education, the building of intelligence, is the best investment for the future. It is for this reason that we are particularly proud of the growing success of the UNESCO Young Peoplets World Heritage Education Project. Japan's support for this Project, tangibly demonstrated by the World Heritage Youth Forum being held now is yet another indication of the Japanese people's future-oriented disposition. I also wish to thank the Osaka Junior Chamber and the local authorities of Hiroshima, Kagoshima, Nara, and Osaka, which contributed generously for the organization of this Youth Forum.

Education, however, is not only about formal teaching. It is also about informing the public, raising public knowledge of the variety of factors that determine our lives and our future. Japan's active information industry, successfully developed on a partnership between the public and private sectors, has also played an important role in educating the Japanese (people). It was therefore with great gratitude, that UNESCO acceptod the partnership extended by Japan's media industry for the production of world heritage information materials. Documentary films on World Heritage sites produced by the Tokyo Broadcasting Systems are being aired throughout Japan every week, while others produced by Walk Corporation are being distributed as home video collections. Kodansha, Japan's leading publishing company has co-produced with their international partners, an impressive encyclopedia on World Heritage sites. Other media partners in Japan, too numerous to cite, have supported UNESCO's activities on world heritage conservation in various forms. Japanese information and informatics companies and research institutes are also actively involved. Only last week, Gifu University hosted a remarkable international scientific congress on the application of virtual reality technology for world heritage management and next week, Waseda University with the support of Japan's media industry will be holding a congress, in Kyoto, on new information technology for cultural and natural heritage conservation. I take this opportunity, on behalf of the Director-General to thank them all, for their very important intellectual and financial contributions for the benefit of world heritage.

Que ce soit pour l'assistance à la définition de politiques de conservation, que ce soit pour le développement de programmes, jusqu'à leur mise en œuvre, que ce soit pour les projets d'éducation et d'information du public, l'UNESCO est sollicitée quotidiennement aussi bien par les autorités nationales que locales, par les gestionnaires de sites, les Instituts de recherche et de développement, les médias ou encore par de simples citoyens qui souhaitent défendre la cause du patrimoine. Le Centre du patrimoine a contribué de manière significative à renforcer la capacité de l'UNESCO de répondre à ces défis, de même qu'il a aidé à mieux faire entendre la voix des Etats parties à la Convention par le biais du Comité et du Bureau du patrimoine mondial et à la faire respecter à travers le monde. Le Directeur général a fait tout ce qui était en son pouvoir pour doter le Centre des ressources humaines et financières, et se considère fier, à juste titre, de son initiative. Il reste, bien entendu, plusieurs aspects du travail à améliorer. L'audit de gestion mené par les auditeurs externes de l'UNESCO a certainement contribué au processus d'amélioration de l'efficacité du Centre. Certaines faiblesses relevées par l'audit, notamment dans la gestion financière, ont été immédiatement prises en considération et le Directeur général a nommé à cet effet un administrateur chevronné au courant de cette année. Les 35 recommandations formulées par les Auditeurs sur les questions de gestion ont été examinées avec soin et sont suivies de mesures correctives. Le Directeur général souhaite remercier le Comité de l'initiative prise à cet égard et espère que ce processus d'évaluation critique puisse être mené de façon périodique, de façon à apporter les réponses adequates à un processus évolutif et dont la complexité n'échappe à personne. C'est le défi permanent auquel sont confrontés tous ceux qui ont pour charge la conservation du patrimoine mondial.

A ce défi, le Professeur Francioni a répondu de façon exemplaire au cours de son mandat de Président du Comité et je souhaiterais ici, au nom du Directeur général, le remercier et le féliciter tout à la fois pour son engagement et pour les succès obtenus. Je suis persuadé qu'il continuera à apporter au Comité et au Centre son expérience, ses connaissances et sa sagesse.

Les multiples défis, le travail à mener avec exigence dans ce domaine en appellent à tous les acteurs de la conservation à unir leurs forces dans un effort collectif pour la réussite de cette mission exaltante. Le Comité du patrimoine mondial, les Etats parties, les Organisations internationales gouvernementales, les Organisations non gouvernementales et l'UNESCO doivent à présent aller plus loin en définissant une stratégie commune où chacun jouera pleinement son rôle afin de renforcer l'autorité et le poids moral de la Convention. La force de la Convention ne peut, en effet, être mesurée seulement à l'aulne des ressources humaines et financières qu'elle sera en mesure de mobiliser. Cette force va plus loin: elle se trouve en réalité dans un message éthique. Son aptitude à persuader, influencer, et mobiliser réflexion et action en faveur de la protection du patrimoine culturel et naturel ne pourra être renforcée que si la Convention est mise en œuvre de façon crédible. Pour cela, l'UNESCO et son Centre attendent beaucoup de l'Assemblée des Etats parties et du Comité du patrimoine mondial afin qu'ils puissent aider les Etats à répondre aux obligations auxquelles ils ont souscrit. On attend aussi qu'ils aident l'UNESCO et ses organes consultatifs, ICCROM, ICOMOS et UICN, à renforcer leur capacité d'action.

A cet égard, je voudrais remercier le Comité du patrimoine mondial et l'Assemblée générale des Etats parties d'avoir adopté le principe du rapport périodique sur l'état de conservation des sites inscrits, de même que j'exprime ma gratitude pour tous ceux qui ont aidé à améliorer la représentativité de la Liste grâce aux apports de la Stratégie globale. Aujourd'hui, la stratégie pour la formation, afin qu'elle réponde aux besoins des Etats parties, qu'il faut affiner, c'est aussi la stratégie pour l'information et la promotion qu'il faut discuter afin que des orientations claires puissent être énoncées facilitant du coup la collaboration entre les différents partenaires: Etats parties, UNESCO, firmes publiques ou privées. Il va sans dire que c'est la « diversité créatrice » comme le soulignait le titre du rapport Perez de Cuellar, que nous sommes là pour défendre, qui implique la recherche de solutions diverses. C'est pour permettre à cette diversité qui fait notre richesse que des orientations stratégiques sont nécessaires dans le cadre de la réalisation des objectifs généraux de la Convention qui reste en définitive notre but commun.

En vous souhaitant plein succès dans vos délibérations, le Directeur général m'a chargé de souligner, une fois encore, et en son nom, que la Convention du patrimoine mondial ne saurait être considérée seule sans qu'il n'y ait un lien avec le développement, fondé sur la reconnaissance et la protection de la diversité des cultures et de l'inclusion sociale.

En conclusion, j'aimerais dire quelques mots pour souligner combien le Directeur général a apprécie mon collègue M. von Droste, qui a servi et qui sert l'Organisation depuis plus de 25 ans avec un sens élevé du devoir et une haute conscience professionnelle. Il a, vous le savez, participé aux sessions de votre Comité et ce, depuis la toute première tenue à Paris en 1977 et 1'on peut dire que depuis lors il en a été le pilier. Le rôle extrêmement important qu'il a joué à l'UNESCO, d'abord comme Directeur au Secteur des Sciences, puis comme Directeur du Centre, est reconnu de tous, aussi bien à l'UNESCO que dans la communauté internationale du patrimoine. Au nom de l'UNESCO, en ma qualité de représentant du Directeur général, mais aussi comme collègue et ami de plus de quinze ans, je voudrais dire à Bernd, merci. Nous savons que nous pouvons compter sur toi pour continuer à défendre la cause, notre cause du patrimoine.

Enfin, un tout dernier mot dans ce message du Directeur général, il me restait en effet à présenter tous les vœux de notre Directeur général au futur Président du Comité du patrimoine mondial, en l'assurant de notre totale disponibilité.

Annex II.2




(Read by Mr. Hiromi SATO, Ambassador Stationed in OsakaRepresenting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Distinguished delegates to the World Heritage Committee, Honored observers, Esteemed members of the UNESCO Secretariat, Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great honor and pleasure for Japan to welcome you to Kyoto for the 22nd Session of the World Heritage Committee, which plays an important role in preserving the World Heritage as a common asset of all mankind. The Japanese people, who have a profound interest in conserving the World Heritage and in this Kyoto conference, sincerely hope for its success.

I firmly believe Kyoto is an appropriate historical and cultural city for this meeting, as evidenced by the registration of the "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto" as World Heritage four years ago.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In 1992, Japan became a state party to the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, and this Convention advocates an important philosophy for Japan in two respects. First, the Convention aims to protect both cultural and natural heritage together—under a single framework—as an asset of all mankind. As evident in the shrines, temples and gardens of Kyoto, Japan's traditional culture has developed in harmony with its seasons, climate and other natural features since ancient times. The Japanese people thus have a deep and profound understanding for the spirit and meaning of the Convention, which recognizes the close interrelationship between culture and nature. Secondly, the Convention acknowledges that while the preservation of cultural and natural heritage is first and foremost the responsibility of the nation to which it belongs, this heritage is also the world heritage of mankind as a whole, and the entire international community therefore has a duty to participate and cooperate in its preservation. Respect another country's heritage and cooperating in its preservation also means understanding and respecting the history, culture and values of that country. Japan considers international cultural exchange to be an important pillar of its foreign policy, and it strives to contribute to world peace by promoting mutual understanding among peoples of different nations through various exchanges, including cooperation for the conservation of cultural and natural properties. The idea of the World Heritage Convention therefore holds great importance for Japan.

The Government and people of Japan have vigorously taken part in the activities of UNESCO and its initiatives to preserve the World Heritage. The Japanese Trust Fund for the Preservation of the World Cultural Heritage that Japan set up within UNESCO prior to its becoming a party to the World Heritage Convention is one such example. The Fund supports a wide range of activities, including preliminary surveys, actual preservation and restoration of cultural properties around the world, as well as the dispatch of experts and staff and the training of local personnel for this purpose. Both inside and outside the framework of UNESCO and the World Heritage Convention, Japan is engaged in a variety of activities, including: (1) the provision of materials and equipment for the preservation of cultural properties under the Cultural Grant Aid component of our ODA program; (2) international joint research on preservation and restoration of properties at the National Research Institute of Cultural Properties; and (3) cooperation for conservation and management efforts in the World Natural Heritage sites of Asia, etc. In 1947, Japan became the first

Annex II.3



Mr. Chairperson of the World Heritage committee,
Distinguished Delegates,
Members of the UNESCO Secretariat,
Ladies and Gentlemen

At the opening of the Twenty-Second session of the World Heritage Committee, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to those who came here from a great distance to attend this Committee Session.

I also express my gratitude for the efforts of the Chairperson of the Committee, Mr. Francesco Francioni and the Secretariat of UNESCO for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention during this past year and for the preparation of this Session.

In today's society, the role of the protection of our heritage is further and further increasing in importance. I am convinced that heritage should be essential for the meaningful appreciation of the history and culture of one's country. I believe that it is most important for heritage to foster in the minds and hearts of young people the love of culture and peace.

Among the various programs of heritage protection, because of its broad popularity -- among both adults and children -- the World Heritage Convention has an especially important role in our society.

I am aware that the World Heritage Committee has been discussing at length many important issues which take initiative in the field of heritage protection, as part of what we identify as our Global Strategy. In 1994, our government was honored to host one of the experts meetings -"the Nara Conference on Authenticity."

I am aware that the Committee has been making efforts to understand heritage in total, taking into account cultural diversity and also heritage diversity, and taking full advantage of the core concept of the Convention which links culture and nature in one framework.

I would like to commend these important steps, which also serve as models for our country.

We Japanese have traditionally loved nature since ages past, and we are proud of our life in harmony with nature.

The beauty of Japanese architecture which takes full advantage of the character of natural materials like wood or paper, and the beauty of Japanese gardens which are created to express the spirit of nature - these are among the Japanese cultural traits which we are proud of as heritage of universal value.

Our legal protection system of cultural heritage started in the latter half of the last century. One distinctive feature of our system is that we protect not only tangible properties but also intangible and folk-cultural properties such as festivals, performing arts and traditional crafts as a total expression of our culture at large. I am aware that the new concept of "cultural landscape" has been introduced into World Heritage Convention practice. We have also been protecting heritage in the category of the "cultural landscape" for a long time, since the beginning of this century including the properties such as places of scenic beauty which have been long revered by Japanese people and which have been depicted in countless poems and paintings. Kyoto has served as a fountainhead of our culture for over a millennium, and it is great pleasure to be able to invite you here on this occasion.

Mr. Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen:It is my sincere desire and hope that the important matters at hand will be discussed in detail during this Committee Session which starts today, and that successful results will be achieved for the protection of World Heritage.

Now let me conclude my speech by saying that I have great trust that this Session will contribute to the progress of further co-operation of the member states for the protection of World Heritage .

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Annex II.4



Ladies and gentlemen,

As representative of the 2.6 million people of Kyoto Prefecture, I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Chairperson, members of the delegations, and all other attendants, for coming to Kyoto.

As Governor of Kyoto Prefecture, I am very glad to see the 22nd Session of the World Heritage Committee being held in Kyoto, with the participation of people from many countries. I am honored to give an address of welcome to you.

Since their advent on Earth, human beings throughout their long history have developed civilization in close contact with nature. Cultural and natural heritages, bequeathed by our ancestors, have nurtured people's love of, and pride in, their home country, and enriched people's spiritual life.

With the passage of time, however, some of these precious heritages have been impaired or destroyed. As well, the impairment or destruction of such heritages as a result of industrial development has become a serious problem, particularly in modern times.

The conservation of cultural and natural heritages requires considerable funding, technology and knowledge. It also presupposes efforts by countries and municipalities, and international cooperation.

Among such heritages are those that are particularly important, and valuable for all humans. It is a task of modern people to designate such heritages, conserve them through international cooperation, and bequeath them to future generations. Evidently, the task has grown in importance and urgency in recent years.

Under these circumstances, the role of the World Heritage Committee has grown in importance. We people of Kyoto Prefecture are proud of Kyoto's designation as host of the Committee's Meeting. The Kyoto prefectural government is undertaking PR efforts throughout the Prefecture to ensure the Meeting's success. The prefectural government is also making various preparations for the smooth management of the Meeting, in cooperation with the Kyoto municipal government and local organizations concerned.

As a local government responsible for the protection of local cultural properties, the Kyoto prefectural government is engaged in the repair of such properties, National Treasures and Important Cultural Assets. Kyoto takes pride in its traditional techniques for repairing wooden structures and in its other techniques, unique in the world for their sophistication.

The prefectural government is actively promoting international exchange programs between Kyoto and nearby Asian countries, including technical cooperation in the field of cultural property protection.

With the Meeting as an encouragement, the prefectural government intends to increase its efforts to foster people's interest in cultural and natural heritages, protect precious heritages in Kyoto Prefecture, and bequeath them to future generations.

Kyoto has a long history, which began in the 8th century when it was designated the capital of Japan. Cultural properties in the ancient capital, registered as World Cultural Heritage, are highly important, as representing the quintessence of Japanese culture. I presume that this point was brought home to you during yesterday's excursion.

Kyoto also boasts rich historical heritages, and a variegated traditional culture which continues today. This culture, loved by people in Japan and abroad, is exemplified by original paintings, objects of industrial art, architectures, gardens, tea ceremony, and flower arrangement techniques.

Furthermore, Kyoto Prefecture is home to up-to-date facilities for academic and technological research. Kansai Science City in particular, developed in the Prefecture as a national project, features the establishment of original research organizations, as well as of corporations that are internationally active thanks to their advanced technologies.

As I have explained, Kyoto Prefecture is an area where old tradition lives in harmony with modernity. I will be glad if you make yourself familiar with various aspects of Kyoto during your stay in Japan.

I expect that you will engage in active discussion during the six-day period of the Conference. It is my hope that the Meeting will produce significant results, thanks to your brilliant intellects. I offer my best wishes for your continued health and prosperity.

Thank you.

Annex II.5




(Welcome to Kyoto. I am Yorikane Masumoto, the mayor of City of Kyoto.)

Together with the 1,460,000 citizens of Kyoto, I would like to express my hearty welcome to you, who have gathered here from all over the world to participate in the 22nd Session of the World Heritage Committee.

Today, as the representative of the host cities, I am privileged to have this opportunity to talk to you and discuss the conservation of cultural and natural heritages with outstanding universal value, that are placed under our care.

Our predecessors made every effort to protect these heritages and now we are faced with the great responsibility for handing down these precious treasures to the future generations.

The City of Kyoto has 14 Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto included in the World Heritage List. Our city has a long history of conserving historical properties and teaching its own citizens as well as other's about the significance of its heritage, the importance of conservation, as well as the cultural value of each property.

To host this conference, the city and affiliated organizations have formed the Kyoto Committee for Support of the 22nd Session of the World Heritage Committee, which has worked together to give all of you a warm reception and to support to the success of this important conference.

It is said that the 21st century will be a century of spiritual rediscovery. Despite, or perhaps due to globalization and the rapid development of science and technology, and increasingly highly information-oriented society, not only material but also spiritual wealth will be in demand.

Under these circumstances, it can be said that conservation of the World Heritage sites become will increasingly significant because these monuments help people understand and tolerate different cultures as well as giving us spiritual satisfaction.

Enveloped in the beautiful natural surroundings, Kyoto has over 2,000 historical properties including National Treasures and Places of Scenic Beauty. They are our inheritance of over 1,200 years of history. As the treasury of Japanese culture, Kyoto represents the soul of the Japanese people.

As the mayor of this city, it is my duty to preserve Kyoto, the city of beautiful nature and bountiful cultures, as a place for people of the world to meet in place and exchange ideas and cultures beyond the differences of race, religion or social structure.

It is now the most beautiful season in Kyoto. The whole city is ablaze with autumn leaves. On this occasion. it gives me a great pleasure that you have an opportunity to contemplate the natural and cultural aspects of this city.

I truly believe that, with your effort, this conference will achieve a brilliant success contributing to the later generations.

Finally, I am grateful to members of UNESCO and persons concerned for preparing the conference thoroughly.

I wish the prosperity of you and your nations.

November 30, 1998

Yorikane Masumoto

Mayor, City of Kyoto



Annex II.6


Mesdames, Messieurs les Ambassadeurs,

Mesdames, Messieurs les représentants des délégations pour le Comité du patrimoine mondial,

Mesdames. Messieurs.

Je suis extrêmement honoré d'avoir été choisi pour présider cette conférence sur le patrimoine mondial, et je tiens à vous remercier chaleureusement de votre soutien. Je promets de m'efforcer de consacrer toute l'énergie que requièrent cette tâche et cette responsabilité.

Je tiens aussi à exprimer mon profond respect et mes sincères remerciements au Professeur Francioni qui a occupé au cours de cette année la présidence du Comité. Le Professeur Francioni a assumé ses responsabilités de Président avec un enthousiasme et une efficacité précieuse. Il a fait preuve de capacités remarquables dans ses fonctions, contribuant largement à la préservation du patrimoine mondial.

Mesdames, Messieurs,

Permettez-moi tout d'abord de vous exposer brièvement mes convictions en tant que Président.

Comme vous le savez, I'UNESCO a pour idée fondamentale de faire progresser la compréhension mutuelle et la coopération entre tous les pays, dans les domaines de l'éducation, des sciences et de la culture, et de contribuer à la réalisation de la paix dans la communauté internationale. Avec le processus de mondialisation qui s'est développé en particulier ces dernières années, je pense qu'une meilleure compréhension des différences culturelles existant entre pays, devient primordiale.

Le Japon quant à lui, tout en conservant les fondements de sa spécificité culturelle, a connu, dans l'antiquité, des influences culturelles diverses, en particulier de l'lnde, de la Chine, et de la péninsule coréenne, puis plus récemment, de l'Europe et des Etats-Unis. Sa culture a ainsi évolué dans une harmonie enrichie par ces diversités extrêmes. L'idée de « tolérance » nourrie tout au long de ce processus, ainsi que celle

d' « harmonie », spécifique à l'Asie et appelée « wa » en japonais, ne sont-elles pas des bases fondamentales pour l'UNESCO du 21ème siècle ?

L'UNESCO du prochain millénaire, encore plus qu'avant, aura pour mission de prêter davantage attention aux diversités régionales existant dans le monde et il lui faudra enrichir encore plus profondément sa nature même d'organisme à vocation intellectuelle.

Si nous pensons à l'UNESCO du 21ème siècle en ces termes, alors il est indéniable que la Convention du Patrimoine mondial a une immense signification. La culture de chaque pays possède une histoire, un passé, et la volonté de les respecter s'exprime, en un sens, par la sauvegarde de son patrimoine afin de pouvoir le léguer aux générations futures. En un quart de siècle, la Convention du Patrimoine mondial a obtenu de bons résultats en matière de préservation du patrimoine mondial. Si nous voulons définir la mission originelle de cette Convention, nous pourrions sans aucun doute dire qu'elle est naturellement de veiller à l'équilibre géographique, et d'assurer l'universalité. Le débat sur ce sujet progresse actuellement dans la direction souhaitée, et j'accueille favorablement cette progression. Je pense qu'il faut élargir ce caractère universel à l'ensemble des activités de l'UNESCO.

Mesdames, Messieurs,

J'aimerais maintenant aborder brièvement trois problèmes auxquels le patrimoine mondial doit faire face:

Tout d'abord, je pense qu'il faut continuer le débat pour résoudre le problème du déséquilibre géographique concernant le nombre de sites classés patrimoine mondial. Plus particulièrement, nous devons désormais nous tourner vers des régions sous-représentées et accueillir leurs patrimoines.

Ensuite, je pense que la question du critère

d'« authenticité » du patrimoine culturel est très importante. Il s'agit de savoir comment harmoniser la différence entre la « culture de la pierre », plus facile à léguer aux générations futures, et la « culture du bois » qui nécessite des restaurations pour sa conservation.

Enfin, concernant les relations avec l'UNESCO, j'aimerais continuer à débattre avec vous tous de la façon la plus efficace de mettre en œuvre cette Convention. A cet égard, je tiens à exprimer ma sincère admiration pour les activités que le Centre du Patrimoine mondial, Secrétariat de la Convention, a développées jusqu'ici.

Mesdames, Messieurs,

Je suis très heureux que la 22ème Conférence sur le Patrimoine mondial se déroule aujourd'hui ici, à Kyoto, capitale historique du Japon, et je pense que cela a une profonde signification.

Depuis plus de 1200 ans, la ville de Kyoto a prospéré en tant que centre culturel japonais, ceci malgré les vicissitudes de la politique interne. En effet, cette ville est véritablement le reflet de l'importance de la culture. A la fin de la guerre, le vœu le plus cher de la population japonaise toute entière était que l'Archipel revienne au sein de la communauté internationale. Le peuple japonais ayant souffert des horreurs de la guerre, a partagé au plus profond de lui-même l'idéal de l'UNESCO, et c'est pourquoi des mouvements de citoyens visant à coopérer avec l'UNESCO ont émergé dans différentes régions du Japon. C'est ici même à Kyoto que, déjà quatre ans avant l'adhésion du Japon à l'UNESCO, en 1947, I'Association de Kyoto pour la coopération avec l'UNESCO a été créée. Aujourd'hui encore, elle poursuit ses activités avec grand enthousiasme.

Mesdames. Messieurs,

Pour conclure, je promets de consacrer toute l'énergie nécessaire à l'accomplissement de ma tâche de Président, et j'ai l'honneur de solliciter votre coopération et votre soutien.

Je vous remercie de votre attention.



Annex II.7

"The World Heritage and the World Bank:

Conserving the Touchstones of our Memory"

Remarks by Ismail Serageldin, Vice-President, The World Bank

at the 22nd Session of The World Heritage Committee


Mr. Chairman,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I bring you greetings from Mr. James D. Wolfensohn, President of The World bank who has truly redefined the Bank into a champion of poverty reduction, empowerment and inclusion, and a committed partner for all those concerned with culture and the development paradigm.

The Position of the World Bank:

Let me at the outset declare the complete support of the World Bank to the World Heritage Convention, and its programs. We are here to help you translate the purposes of the convention into action!

The context of this support is the initiative of Mr. Wolfensohn to systematize our support to culture in the heart of the Bank's mission of poverty reduction, empowerment and sustainable development. I presented its outline at Stockholm earlier this year. We elaborated its contents in a conference on "Culture in Sustainable Development", co-sponsored with UNESCO, and held at the World Bank last September.

The Bank will be active in three areas:

  • Conceptual analyses, on the contributions of cultural expression to empowerment and linking diversity with the challenge of inclusion. But, we will also be putting special emphasis on the economic justification of investments in culture, recognizing its intrinsic existence value, its public goods character and the positive externalities that it brings. That is essential.

  • We intend to support financially and technically, in alliance with others, the protection of the cultural heritage of the past as well as the expression of local culture of today, for that will be the heritage of tomorrow.

  • We intend to work in partnerships with each and everyone of you, in reinforced networks of the committed, so that the whole of our efforts is more than the sum of the parts. The private sector, the civil society and all stakeholders must be part of this "coalition of the caring".

The Meaning of the Past:

The heritage of the past is our living memory. Even more important, it is the wellspring of creativity and the

foundation of identity, without which we are all like amnesiacs not knowing where we go, because we do not know who we are or where we came from.

The World Heritage list defines a common heritage of all of humanity. These sites, have truly become the "touchstones of our memory". We must avoid their destruction by inappropriate development, or their excessive commercial exploitation. In that context, I am delighted to invite you all to an exhibition by the World Bank that addresses the very theme of a heritage at risk which is being held at Ritsumeikan University which I will be opening this evening with Mr. Bouchenaki of UNESCO.

On the justifications for borrowing for, and investing in, culture, we advocate rigor in both financial and economic analyses. In the public finance realm, always ask who pays and who benefits? In economic analysis we must recognize the existence values and the intrinsic worth of cultural heritage, not just what it can generate as tourist revenues. This is not to deny the importance of tourism, but it cannot be the sole justification of investments in conserving cultural heritage.

This said, the World Bank is willing to finance operations in support of conserving the world heritage sites, provided that these are imbedded in a broader developmental endeavor, in all countries who seek such loans and credits from us.

We are already active in this area: Natural sites are treated in environmental operations, historic cities are treated in the context of urban projects - most recently a loan to Morroco for the rehabilitation of Fez, approved by our board last month. We need to do much more.


Mesdames, Messieurs,

Il faut agir, pour assurer la protection du patrimoine culturel tout en répondant aux besoins des pauvres et des démunis. La modernisation n'est pas synonyme d'occidentalisation. Le Japon a prouvé qu'un pays pouvait se moderniser et être compétitif sans perdre son identité. La promotion d'une culture intégrée et intégrante demeure la clé essentielle du devenir des sociétés. Intégrée du fait d'être cohérente dans ses éléments constituants, intégrante dans sa capacité d'adopter le nouveau, et d'évoluer vers de nouveaux horizons.

On ne peut s'occuper du patrimoine en ignorant les conditions de populations autochtones qui les côtoient. Nous avons besoin d'un modèle de développement basé sur la personne humaine, qui responsabilise les gens, habilite les femmes, principaux vecteurs du changement, en reconnaissant les éléments positifs de leur patrimoine culturel. Nous avons besoin d'un modèle qui assure le changement dans la continuité, qui protège les repères de la mémoire, et renforce la solidarité locale et mondiale.

Regardez les pays pauvres aujourd'hui. Réservoirs des sites les plus extraordinaires, ils font face a une pression démographie énorme, tandis qu'ils demeurent

Frappés par la sécheresse ou les inondations

Matraqués par la chute des cours des matières premières

Etranglés par la pénurie de leurs moyens financiers

Contraints par les règles du jeu de la dette . . . qui souvent n'est qu'habillage statistique de la myopie des uns et la misère des autres . . .

Face à ces énormes défis, nous devons tous les aider. Mais, plus encore, la population de chacun de ces pays, doit garder son assurance, sa dignité, sa volonté de tracer son parcours avec réalisme, sérénité, et l'espoir de créer un avenir voulu.

Pour répondre à ces défis, et traduire notre volonté commune de protéger ce remarquable patrimoine de l'humanité, ces repères de la mémoire, il faut être pragmatique dans la recherche des solutions. Il faudra de la souplesse, de la flexibilité, de l'imagination, du nouveau. Il faudra encadrer la protection du passé dans un projet social pour l'avenir.

Finalement, il faut adopter l'approche participative. En définitive, toute action soutenue a besoin de l'apport des individus. Pour cela, il faut rendre à chaque acteur social, à chaque particulier, l'espace nécessaire pour une véritable contribution. Il faut que la protection du patrimoine soit intégrée dans un projet de société ou chaque individu se sente engagé, responsable —comme disait Saint-Exupéry: "Etre homme, c'est être responsable-c'est sentir en posant sa pierre que l'on contribue à bâtir le monde."

La Banque Mondiale est votre partenaire dans cette entreprise.


Annex II.8




Mr Chairman, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, let me begin these brief remarks by stating how honoured I am to represent the Asian Development Bank at the Twenty-Second Session of the World Heritage Committee at this most appropriate venue ... this scenic and cultural gem, Kyoto. The role of the Bank is to promote the economic and social development of the Asia-Pacific region, and an essential element of that role involves helping to ensure that such development is in harmony with broader cultural and environmental goals. My remarks today have three objectives: first, to provide some information about the Bank and what it does, as there are delegates from non-member countries present here; second, to examine briefly the Bank's strategic objectives and how these relate to your own objectives; and third, to give some specific examples of what the Bank has done to promote World Heritage activities.

In 1997, the Bank provided over $9 billion in loans and $162 million in technical assistance grants. Fourteen of the countries that received Bank assistance in 1997 have a total of 103 World Heritage Sites. It is clear, therefore, that the Bank provides significant support for countries with World Heritage Sites. The question is, of course, how does Bank assistance relate either directly or indirectly to what this Committee is trying to do. This is an important question to which I will return in a moment.

The Bank has five strategic objectives that guide its lending and technical assistance program. They are: first, to promote economic growth; second, to support poverty reduction; third, to support human development; four, to promote gender and development; and five, to protect the environment and promote sustainable development.

Let us quickly take a closer look at these strategic objectives and examine how they are related to the objectives of the World Heritage Convention. What about economic growth? It is quite obvious that there can be no sustainable economic development without attention to larger social and environmental issues-- - a fact well recognized by the Convention. In fact, the purpose of the Convention is to help preserve sites important to our cultural and natural environments. The Bank also recognizes the need to preserve cultural and heritage sites even as it promotes economic growth. These sites, properly preserved and managed can be considered economic resources as well as part of our natural or cultural heritage. The Bank has supported projects that aim to generate income from such resources without destroying them in the process--- forestry management projects, fisheries projects, eco-tourism projects all involve learning to use resources while preserving them.

Poverty reduction is another of the Bank's strategic objectives. How is this related to World Heritage Sites? The answer is that poverty and the associated need to earn income by any means possible is a major cause of environmental degradation ranging from deforestation to coral reef destruction for quick economic gain. The Bank seeks to develop ways of enabling the poor to improve their earnings while sustaining the environment. In fact, cultural and natural heritage sites can be used to enhance income if they are utilized in a careful and sustainable manner.

Human development is a major thrust of the Bank. Human development includes education, health and nutrition, among other things. How is this related to World Heritage Sites? Your Young People's World Heritage Education Project implies recognition that education is an essential tool of promoting and protecting our heritage. We can certainly agree that education has a critical role to play in promoting awareness of our heritage and in teaching ways to preserve it. The Bank supports education in many countries, and many of the Bank-assisted projects provide resources for curriculum and instructional materials that contribute to a child's growing awareness of cultural and natural resources. The Bank also supports environmental education in the general sense of upgrading popular awareness of environmental issues and in the technical sense of training environmental scientists. Both are important if a country is to improve awareness of its cultural and natural heritage and to develop strategies for preserving these.

Protection of the environment is a major objective. How is this related to World Heritage Sites? In preparing an investment project, the Bank requires that an environmental impact assessment be completed to ensure that the project can be designed in such a way as to reflect environmental considerations. The Bank's environmental policy and guidelines make specific reference to World Heritage Sites and require that efforts be made to ensure that these are not negatively affected by Bank-assisted projects. In fact, the Bank has environmental specialists whose task it is to assess environmental impact and to help ensure that Bank-assisted projects do not damage sites of natural or cultural value. The Bank has recently issued a set of policy guidelines on dealing with indigenous peoples to ensure that the traditional way of life of these groups--- themselves often a part of our cultural heritage--- are not negatively affected by Bank-assisted activities.

Let us now look at a few specific examples of what the Bank has done that relates directly to the objectives of the World Heritage Convention. In 1997 alone, the Bank approved $378 million in loans projects with environmental objectives, and $20 million in technical assistance projects that support environmental activities. A few years ago, the Bank co-financed with UNESCO and UNIDO a technical assistance project in India to prepare a plan to improve the environment and promote sustainable development in Agra—the site of the Taj Mahal whose beauty was threatened by severe air pollution generated by local industries and households.. A subsequent loan project for $150 million included funds to construct a branch liquefied petroleum gas pipeline to Acra to help provide non-polluting household fuel.

The $15 million Siam Reap Airport Project in Cambodia helped to develop an airport to improve access by tourists to Angkor Wat, another World Heritage Site. A $23 million tourism development project in Nepal--- a country with four World Heritage Sites--- has

helped to develop tourism that does not destroy the beauty that attracts it.

A regional technical assistance project on Measuring Environmental Quality in Asia implemented in collaboration with Harvard University developed a set of indicators for monitoring environmental changes. Another project on Acid Rain and Emission Control in Asia was implemented in several countries, including the People's Republic of China where the Ministry of Science and Technology and UNESCO were both involved with the Bank in an effort which aims, in part, to help preserve cultural monuments being corroded by air pollution. The Bank has also funded the development of an environmental education master plan in the Philippines to help, among other things, strengthen the way in which environmental issues and concepts are integrated in the school curriculum.

The Bank's $40 million basic education textbook development project in Uzbekistan supports curriculum reform and instructional materials development which will, among other things, help to strengthen the teaching of Uzbek culture and history. Uzbekistan has two World Heritage Sites and recently celebrated the 2500th anniversary of the founding of one of its ancient Silk Road cities--- the fabled Khiva. Basic education projects in many other countries are helping to develop citizens who are more knowledgeable about and sensitive to the importance of preserving their natural and cultural heritage.

This list could be extended for quite some time, but I think it is sufficient to convey the message that the Bank's strategic objectives and its lending and technical assistance activities support many of the same objectives promoted by the World Heritage Convention and the work of this Committee. I earlier asked how the Bank's work supports what you are trying to do. I hope this brief presentation of the Bank's strategic objectives and the very selective list of Bank-assisted activities has provided a clear answer: Yes, our objectives are often similar and our work is mutually reinforcing.

This meeting provides a rare occasion for the Bank to learn more about what you are doing and how you are doing it. We have a lot to learn from you, and I hope that our partnership will give you strength in a mutually reinforcing way in the years to come.

Thank you.


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