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Publ: 1983; 54 p.More
Library Catalogue
Schwelb, Egon
Human rights and the international community: the roots and growth of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948-1963
Publ: 1964; 96 p.More
Library Catalogue
Session africaine de formation à l'enseignement des droits de l'homme pour les professeurs des écoles primaires, secondaires et professionnelles; 1ère; Conakry; 1988
Publ: 1988; 19 p.More
Library Catalogue
Latham, Michael C.
Human nutrition in tropical Africa: a textbook for health workers with special reference to community health problems in East Africa
Publ: 1969; 268 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
No full text
Food Security in the Third World; Amman; 1986
Benachenhou, Abdellatif
Food security in Africa and its technological and educational implications
Publ: 1986; 21 p.More
No full text
African women, Africa's wealth: basic education for women is UNESCO's absolute priority
Femmes africaines, richesse de l'Afrique: l'éducation de base des femmes est la priorité absolue de l'UNESCO
Publ: 2005; 1 poster.More
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Literacy matters
L'Alphabétisation, ça compte
Publ: 2007; 1 DVD.More
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Be part of literate Africa: African literacy
Publ: 2005; 1 CD-ROM.More
Dolfe, Mikael
Möte i Afrika: en kärlekshistoria
Publ: 1993; 103 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
Dolfe, Mikael
Stjärnor pa svart himmel
Publ: 1994; 86 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
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