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World Summit for Children; New York; 1990
World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and Plan of Action for Implementating the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s
Publ: 1990; 23 p.More
Library Catalogue
Balacha Vikas
Publ: 1985; 40 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
Conociendo mejor a nuestros hijos
Publ: 1983; 94 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
Child survival and development: the first five years
Publ: 1987; 1986; 6 v.More
Library Catalogue
Kukua, kuishi na kuendelea kwa mtoto: miaka mitano ya kwanza; (Child survival and development: the first five years)
Publ: 1987; 1986; 6 v.More
Library Catalogue
Omolo, Alphonse C.L.
Violence against children in Kenya: an ecological model of risk factors and consequences, responses and projects
Publ: 2015; 243 p.More
Library Catalogue
Marope, P.T.M.; Kaga, Yoshie
Investing against evidence: the global state of early childhood care and education
Education on the move;
Publ: 2015;.More
Yoshikawa, Hirokazu; Kabay, Sarah
The Evidence base on early childhood care and education in global contexts
Background paper prepared for the Education for all global monitoring report 2015, Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges;
Publ: 2015; 39 p.*; ED/EFA/MRT/2015/PI/28.More
Wall, William Douglas
Child of our times: cultural change and the challenge to healthy mental growth
Publ: 1959; 110 p.More
Library Catalogue
Hyde, Karin A.L.
Investing in early childhood development: benefits, savings and financing options
Publ: 2008; 72 p.More
Library Catalogue
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