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Cliff, Ken; Millei, Zsuzsa
Biopower and the "civilization" of children's bodies in a preschool bathroom: an Australian case study
International social science journal; LXII(62), 3/4 (205/206)
Publ: 2011; p. 351-362.More
Children and Youth in National Planning and Development in Asia; Bangkok; 1966
Children and youth in national planning and development in Asia: report of conference
Publ: 1966; 87 p.More
Library Catalogue
Stockfelt-Hoatson, Britt-Ingrid
Factors which influence the integration of migrants' children into pre-school education in Sweden
Publ: 1976; 41 p.More
Library Catalogue
Stockfelt-Hoatson, Britt-Ingrid
Facteurs qui influencent l'intégration des enfants de travailleurs migrants dans l'éducation préscolaire en Suède
Publ: 1976; 42 p.More
Library Catalogue
Triesscheijn, Ton J.M.
Facteurs qui influencent l'intégration des enfants de migrants dans l'éducation préscolaire aux Pays-Bas
Publ: 1976; 24 p.More
Library Catalogue
Triesscheijn, Ton J.M.
Factors which influence the integration of migrant children into pre-school education in the Netherlands
Publ: 1976; 28 p.More
Library Catalogue
Gerstacker, Ruth
Factors which influence the integration of migrant children into pre-school education in the Federal Republic of Germany
Publ: 1976; 37 p.More
Library Catalogue
Gerstacker, Ruth
Facteurs influencant l'intégration des enfants de travailleurs migrants dans l'éducation préscolaire en République fédérale d'Allemagne
Publ: 1976; 37 p.More
Library Catalogue
Goutard, Madeleine
Facteurs qui influencent l'intégration des enfants de travailleurs migrants dans l'éducation préscolaire en France
Publ: 1976; 33 p.More
Library Catalogue
Goutard, Madeleine
Factors which influence the integration of migrants' children into pre-school education in France
Publ: 1976; 37 p.More
Library Catalogue
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