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Duke, Chris
Lost soul or new dawn?: lifelong learning lessons and prospects from East Africa; Journal of adult and continuing education
Publ: 2015; p. 72-88.More
Library Catalogue
Haber, Jonathan
Publ: 2014; 227 p.More
Library Catalogue
Aebischer, Patrick
Universities: increasingly global players
UNESCO science report: towards 2030;
Publ: 2015; p. 3-5, illus.*.More
Neuman, Michelle J.; Josephson, Kimberly; Chua, Peck Gee
A Review of the literature: early childhood care and education (ECCE) personnel in low- and middle-income countries
Early childhood care and education working papers series; 4
Publ: 2015; 60 p.*; ED.2015/WS/27.More
Stromquist, Nelly Penaloza; Monkman, Karen
Globalization and education: integration and contestation across cultures
Publ: 2014; 315 p.More
Library Catalogue
Scott, Cynthia Luna
The Futures of learning 1: why must learning content and methods change in the 21st century?
Education, research and foresight: working papers; 13
Publ: 2015; 16 p.*; ED-2015/WS/22.More
Hanemann, Ulrike
Lifelong literacy: some trends and issues in conceptualising and operationalising literacy from a lifelong learning perspective
International review of education: journal of lifelong learning; 61, 3
Publ: 2015; p. 295-326*.More
Hanemann, Ulrike; McKay, Veronica
Lifelong literacy: towards a new agenda
International review of education: journal of lifelong learning; 61, 3
Publ: 2015; p. 265-272*.More
Molzberger, Gabriele; Wahle, Manfred
Shaping the futures of (vocational) education and work: commitment of VET and VET research
Publ: 2015; 255 p.More
Library Catalogue
Grace, André P.
Lifelong learning as critical action: international perspectives on people, politics, policy, and practice
Publ: 2013; 298 p.More
Library Catalogue
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