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International Conference on Population and the Urban Future; Barcelona, Spain; 1986
Report of the International Conference on Population and the Urban Future, 1986
Publ: 1986; 73 p.More
Library Catalogue
International Conference on Population and the Urban Future; Barcelona, Spain; 1986
Barcelona Declaration on Population and the Urban Future
Publ: 1986; 15 p.More
Library Catalogue
The United Nations and human rights
Publ: 1978; 166 p.More
Library Catalogue
World Summit for Children; New York; 1990
World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and Plan of Action for Implementating the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s
Publ: 1990; 23 p.More
Library Catalogue
Operational guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention
Orientations devant guider la mise en oeuvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial
Publ: 2015; 166 p.*; WHC.15/01.More
Schwelb, Egon
Human rights and the international community: the roots and growth of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948-1963
Publ: 1964; 96 p.More
Library Catalogue
Hüfner, Klaus
Zur Kodifizierung der Menschenrechte durch das UNO-System
Publ: 1978; 158 p.More
Library Catalogue
Meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict; 11th; Paris; 2015
Rapport du Secrétariat sur ses activités
Publ: 2015; 14 p.*; CLT-15/11.HCP/CONF.201/INF.2.More
Levin, Leah
Menschenrechte: Fragen & Antworten
Publ: 1983; 88 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict; 10th; Paris; 2015
Report of the Secretariat on its activities
Rapport du Secrétariat sur ses activités
Publ: 2015; 13 p.*; CLT-15/10.COM/CONF.203/INF.2.More
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