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Huyer, Sophia
Is the gender gap narrowing in science and engineering?
UNESCO science report: towards 2030;
Publ: 2015; p. 85-103, illus., maps*.More
Soete, Luc; Schneegans, Susan; Eröcal, Deniz; Angathevar, Baskaran; Rasiah, Rajah
A World in search of an effective growth strategy
UNESCO science report: towards 2030;
Publ: 2015; p. 21-55, maps*.More
UNESCO science report, towards 2030: executive summary
Rapport de l'UNESCO sur la science, vers 2030: résumé exécutif
Informe de la UNESCO sobre la ciencia, hacia 2030: resumen ejecutivo
Relatório de ciência da UNESCO: rumo a 2030, visão geral e cenário brasileiro
UNESCO Wissenschaftsbericht: der Weg bis 2030, Zusammenfassung
ДОКЛАД ЮНЕСКО ПО НАУКЕ: на пути к 2030 году. РЕЗЮМЕ
联合国 教科文组织 科学报告 面向2030年 综 述
Publ: 2015; 37 p.*; SC.2015/WS/24.More
UNESCO science report: towards 2030
Publ: 2015; 794 p.*.More
Women in science: quarterly thematic publication, issue I, March 2015
Women in science: quarterly thematic publication; 1
Publ: 2015; 4 p., illus.; TH/UIS-AIMS/15/01.More
Address by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of opening the International Forum on Harnessing Women's Talents in Science, Technology and Innovation; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25 May 2015
Publ: 2015; 10 p.; DG/2015/100.More
Ostrouch-Kaminska, Joanna; Vieira, Cristina C.
Private world(s): gender and informal learning of adults
Publ: 2015; 194 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
Discours de la Directrice générale de l'UNESCO, Irina Bokova, à l'occasion de la cérémonie de remise du prix L'Oréal-UNESCO pour les femmes et la science; Paris, 18 mars 2015
Publ: 2015; 3 p.; DG/2015/046.More
Ollagnier, Edmée
Femmes et défis pour la formation des adultes: un regard critique non-conformiste
Publ: 2014; 257 p.More
Library Catalogue
Lôbo, Yolanda
Bertha Lutz; UNESCO-sponsored programmes and publications
Publ: 2010; 148 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
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