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Séminaire sur les tendances démographiques actuelles et modes de vie en Europe; Strasbourg, France; 1990
Egidi, Viviana
Vieillissement de la population et évolution des modes de vie en Europe
Publ: 1990; 48 p.More
Library Catalogue
Sonntag, Albrecht; Ranc, David
Colour? What colour? Relazione sulla lotta contro la discriminazione e il razzismo nel calcio
Publ: 2015; 83 p., illus.*.More
Liberté d'enseignement: les textes
Freedom of education: the texts
Libertad de enseñanza: los textos
Publ: 1989; 51 p.More
Library Catalogue
Hegarthy, Ann
SMART: skills management and relevant training; workplace basic education model for small and medium enterprises; evaluation report
Publ: 2006; 92 p.More
Library Catalogue
No full text
European literacy posters
Publ: 2005; 1 CD-ROM.More
No full text
Exposición: el Encuentro de dos mundos en la palabra escrita; patrocinada por los países de lengua espanola en la UNESCO, Paris, Casa de la UNESCO, del 21 al 31 de mayo de 1991
Publ: 1991; 1 poster.More
Sonntag, Albrecht; Ranc, David
Colour? What colour? Report on the fight against discrimination and racism in football
Publ: 2015; 83 p., illus.*.More
Cultural times: the first global map of cultural and creative industries
Publ: 2015; 119 p., illus.*.More
Library Catalogue
Duke, Chris
Lost soul or new dawn?: lifelong learning lessons and prospects from East Africa; Journal of adult and continuing education
Publ: 2015; p. 72-88.More
Library Catalogue
Adult education and the refugee crisis: EAEA statement; good practice examples from EAEA members working with refugees
Publ: 2015;.More
Library Catalogue
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