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Al Salihi, N.
(Arab youth camps: follow-up on evaluation)
Publ: 1984; 27 p.More
Library Catalogue
Abd al Hamid
(Hijra: the story of Hijra and how Prophet Mohammed left Mecca to go to Medina)
Publ: 1981; 59 p.More
Library Catalogue
Muhssin Abd al Majid
(Khalid Ibn al Walid: the story of a great Islamic warrior)
Publ: 1984; 63 p.More
Library Catalogue
Sireen al Hashimi
(The Palestinian question)
Publ: 1984; 112 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
Umiema Yahya Khan
(Child care)
Publ: 1981; 84 p.More
Library Catalogue
(First aid: how and when to make use of it)
Publ: 1981; 79 p.More
Library Catalogue
Muhssin Abd al Hamid
(Religious education)
Publ: 1979; 111 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
(Honey bee)
Publ: 1984; 45 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
(Oil: use and importance of petrol in our daily life)
Publ: 1985; 61 p., illus.More
Library Catalogue
Hamza, A.
(Arab youth camps: methods of social research and its application in literacy and adult education)
Publ: 1984; 80 p.More
Library Catalogue
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