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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands


Ameliorer la gestion des ressources cotieres et des peches par la participation des parties prenantes, l'utilisation du savoir local et l'education a l'environnement Cote d'Arcadins, Haiti / Enhancing coastal and fisheries resource management through stakeholder participation, local knowledge and environmental education, Arcadins coast, Haiti: field project assessment French/English May '04
Analysis of beach changes in Antigua and Barbuda 1996-2001 Volume 1 Assessment report June '03
Provechosa iniciativa contra la erosión en las playas Feb '03
Monitoring beach changes as an integral component of coastal management CSI info 15 '03
Wise practices for coping with beach erosion, '02:
Antigua and Barbuda / Dominica  / Grenada  / Montserrat  / Nevis / St Kitts / St Lucia / St Vincent and the Grenadines / Turks and Caicos Islands
Coastal land tenure: a small-islands' perspective June 2002
Lwa ki gen pou wè ak Anviwònman Kotye ak Lapèch nan Peyi d Ayiti / Lois relatives à l'environnement côtier et à la pêche en Haïti CSI info 13 '02
UNESCO chooses Anguilla to launch new guides on beach erosion February '02
Anguilla chosen to launch new guide on beach erosion February '02
Sustainable livelihoods for artisanal fishers through stakeholder co-management in the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica: field project assessment February '02
Socio-economic and environmental evaluation and management of the south zone of Habana Province, Cuba: field project summary / Valoración del proyecto September '01
La UNESCO entra en acción May '01
Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity Program (CARICOMP): Sustaining coastal biodiversity benefits and ecosystem services: pilot project summary March '01
Sustainable livelihoods for artisanal fishers through stakeholder co-management in the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica: pilot project summary March '01
Planning for people and human settlements, southern coastal area of Havana Province, Cuba: pilot project summary March '01
Enhancing coastal and fisheries resource management through stakeholder participation, local knowledge and environmental education, Arcadins coast, Haiti: résumé du projet pilote, pilot project summary March '01
Bequia's Sandwatch Programme March '01
News from Nevis: Coastal zone management - What is it and who is responsible? February '01
Working together to place the bell on the cat's neck  November '00
Managing beach resources and planning for coastline change, Caribbean islands: pilot project summary   September ’00
Wise Coastal Practices for Beach Management   September '00
Wise Coastal Practices workshop well attended   September '00
Environmental impact of urban development. A case history: Cancun, Quinta Roo, Mexico (1996; updated July ’00)
Whither Hellshire Hills?   July ’00
Shifting sands threaten Caribbean   June '00
Glimpses of the blue Caribbean / Miradas Fugaces sobre el Azul Caribe, CSI info 5, 2000
Remote sensing handbook for tropical coastal management Coastal Management Sourcebooks 3
Institutional strengthening of beach management capabilities in the organisation of eastern Caribbean States and the Turks and Caicos Islands - Interim report   April ’00
In Social Context: Espeut Empowers Jamaican Fishermen to Manage Local Resources  '99
Late hurricanes: a message for the region   December ’99
These 2 files are in PDF. To see them you will need to:
Nevis the last 100 years! November '99
Coastal erosion on Nevis November '99
Coping with shoreline erosion in the Caribbean October '99
UNESCO and the Caribbean Development Bank join forces to solve coastal management problems ’99
Haiti and San Andrés Join COSALC   September ’99
Launching of the Caribbean "Sandwatch" Project, (i) a new initiative; (ii) project description   July ’99
Coup de balai aux Arcadins / Clean sweep at the Arcadins Islands
Jamaica's Environment Minister announces Portland Bight Protected Area   June ’99
Workshop on environmental video production and broadcast in the Caribbean   May ’99
Portland Bight - Jamaica's newest protected area   April ’99
Walls on the seafront      English Français  
Haiti: Bringing the sea back to life   January 99      English Français Español
CARICOMP - Caribbean coral reef, seagrass and mangrove sites   CSI papers 3   ’98
Environmental TV in Grenada, Anguilla, St. Lucia   November ’98
Coping with beach erosion   October ’98
Fisher to fisher. A grass-roots approach to improved fishery management   September ’98
Coastal management ‘wise practices’  September ’98
Coast and beach stability in the Caribbean Islands. COSALC project activites 1996-7  CSI info No. 6  August 98
Planning for coastline change. Project review   June ’98

To see these you will need to:

Coastal development setback guidelines in Antigua and Barbuda   June ’98
Coastal development setback guidelines in Nevis   June ’98
Shoreline management in Nevis. A position paper   June ’98
Beach monitoring program, United States Virgin Islands. Summary and assessment report   June ’98
St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands beach monitoring field manual   June ’98
St. John, United States Virgin Islands beach monitoring field manual   February ’98
CARICOMP links social and natural scientists
Coasts of Haiti. Resource assessment and management needs  CSI papers 2  English  Français
Planning for coastline change, saving our beaches
Montserrat beach monitoring programme. Beach data assessment 1990-1996
Managing beach resources in the smaller Caribbean Islands  CSI papers 1
Planning for coastal change in the eastern Caribbean. COSALC summary 1996-97
Beaches: here today, gone tomorrow?
Planning for coastline change. Guidelines for construction setbacks in the Eastern Caribbean Islands  CSI info No.4
Beach erosion in Nevis
Beach erosion in Antigua-Barbuda
Beach erosion in Anguilla
Integrated framework for the management of beach resources within the smaller Caribbean islands  CSI info No. 1
Coast and beach stability in the Lesser Antilles (COSALC): an overview
Beaches and Hurricanes: 1995 in the Eastern Caribbean Islands, Slide Presentation, January '97
Hurricane impact on beaches in the eastern Caribbean islands 1989-1995
Beach management in eastern Caribbean islands under focus
Further support for coastal monitoring, public awareness and environmental education in the Lesser Antilles
New UNESCO (CSI) series are launched
Management of Haiti's coastal regions
Coastal ecosystem productivity network in the Caribbean
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