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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands


Exit from the labyrinth, Integrated coastal management in the Kandalaksha District, Murmansk Region of the Russian Federation. 2006, CSI papers 21
Integrated coastal management planning strategies, 2004
UNESCO-UNITWIN WiCoP-Europe RSHU 2003-2004 activities

UNITWIN/WiCoP-Europe workshop on ports and sustainable coastal development, St. Petersburg, May ‘04

Exit from the labyrinth, '04 English / Russian
Cinq petites villes côtières en quête d'avenir / A tale of five cities, Sept. '04
Initiative intersectorielle " Développement Urbain et Ressources en eau : Petites Villes Côtières Historiques " (P.V.C.H) 1997-2003 Rapport d'évaluation
UNESCO chair on sustainable coastal management, University of Latvia, Riga: assessment Jan '04
Legal provision for integrated coastal zone management '04
Important step forward towards establishing 'wise practice agreement' in the White Sea - Barents Sea Region May 2004
Sustainable coastal development in the White Sea - Barents Sea region of northern Russia: field project assessment November '02; field project summary January '04
Textbooks on integrated coastal management: the first in Russian (English: html or Russian: pdf format) Jan. '04
Leaflet on "Regional Approach for the Sustainable Coastal Development and Wise Coastal Practices in the Region of White Sea" Nov. '03 (to see this PDF file you will need )
Course on Small Business Management in the Coastal Zone - the Kandalaksha Region Oct. '03

Environmental Management and public participation, north Kurzeme coastal region, Latvia:Field project assessment April '03; field project summary August '01

University Twining Networks (UNITWIN) Towards Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development (WICOP): Europe
"Your Museum is just wonderful - thank you for being in our City!" Dec. '01
Chef-d'oeuvres from the Rubbish Heap Oct. '01
Newspaper article on “Chef-d’oeuvres from the Rubbish Heap” (In Russian: html or pdf formats) Sept. '01
Why a UNESCO Chair on sustainable Coastal Development? (Latvia), September '01
Exhibition on sustainable coastal development   February ’00
Integrated development in Kotor town, Yugoslavia   June ’98
The Fredrikstad declaration   February ’98
The Adriatic perspective   December ’97
A first case study in the Adriatic basin: Omisalj, Croatia
The fifth year of studies in the Barents Sea, White Sea and on the Baltic coast: summary of activity in 1997
Gulf of Finland's environment under focus at Suomenlinna
Link to the Ballerina, Gulf of Finland web site
Cross-sectoral coastal programme in the Eastern Baltic region
Venice, Italy is the home of a new UNESCO Chair in Environmental Sciences and Management
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Wise practices Regions Themes