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UNESCO is giving a high priority to the use of ICT for more equitable and pluralistic development in education, aiming to: expand the knowledge base about the issues,
The broad questions on which UNESCO focuses are:
- How can one use ICT to accelerate progress towards education for all and throughout life?
- How can ICT bring about a better balance between equity and excellence in education?
- How can ICT help reconcile universality and local specificity of knowledge? and
- How can education prepare individuals and society to benefit from ICT that increasingly permeate all realms of life?
Related links from Information Society Observatory
19-05-2011 (Moscow)
02-05-2011 (Windhoek)
15-03-2011 (Bangkok)
14-02-2011 (Paris)
21-01-2011 (Rabat)
03-12-2010 (Paris)
19-10-2010 (Bangkok)
28-09-2010 (Bangkok)
19-08-2010 (Windhoek)
23-07-2010 (Paris)
05-07-2010 (Kathmandu)
19-05-2010 (Brasilia)
22-04-2010 (Brasilia)
24-02-2010 (Paris)
19-02-2010 (Bangkok)
03-02-2010 (Bangkok)
10-12-2009 (Montevideo)
30-11-2009 (Paris)
02-09-2009 (New Delhi)
12-08-2009 (Brasilia)
10-08-2009 (Paris)
09-07-2009 (Paris)
26-06-2009 (Paris)
24-06-2009 (Pretoria)
08-06-2009 (Paris)
27-05-2009 (New York)
27-05-2009 (New York)
06-05-2009 (Paris)
23-04-2009 (Beijing)