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Youth Visioning
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'We, the youth of Small Island Developing States, came to Mauritius in 2005, we shared our ideas, and we committed ourselves to take action to assist in the sustainable
development of our island homes'

Phase 1: Preparatory activities (January - Dec 2004)

Youth coordinators initiated, planned and undertook preparatory activities: local meetings and discussions, contributing information to the website on activities/projects relating to the three themes, media promotion, fund raising activities, inter-regional web-based discussions and chat rooms.

Phase 2: Youth participation at the UN meeting in Mauritius (7-12 January 2005)

Youth participants met in Mauritius to focus on the three themes: 'Life and love in islands', 'My island home', and 'Money in my pocket';

  1. discuss their concerns;
  2. share information about ongoing and planned activities, and
  3. shape their vision, backed up by specific proposals, for future implementation.

The outcomes were presented at the main UN meeting. At the same time there were opportunities to share experiences, promote cultural understanding, interact with organizations represented at the main UN meeting, and participate in debates and side-events.

Phase 3: Prioritisation and implementation of Youth Visioning activities/projects (January 2005 onwards)

  • Youth representatives to the Mauritius meeting share their experiences and the outcome of the meeting with youth back home;
  • hold consultations to prioritise activities for local implementation;
  • seek and obtain funding for implementation where necessary;
  • regularly communicate with other islands on implementation;
  • provide material on implementation (text, photos, audio files, etc) for the YV website.


More information:

WHAT is Youth Visioning?
OBJECTIVES of Youth Visioning
HOW did Youth Visioning start?

Youth Visioning Report: Phases 1 & 2 (Jan 2004-Jan 2005)
[PDF - 730 Kb]






Open the YV brochure

This page last updated: 19 January 2006