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Youth Employment and Small Business Development, Antigua & Barbuda

Jamion Knight and his partner organisations launched the website Pan De Move with the aim of assisting young people in Antigua and Barbuda to set up their own small businesses. The success of the launch exceeded expectations and it was clear that the site would be a great help to Antiguan youths. Since the launch, they have had over 1300 hits, an impressive figure when you consider that Antigua has a very small population.

The launch ceremony on 8 October 2005 was aired on television and radio and newspaper interviews were conducted to promote the project.

The following people where among those who attended the launch ceremony:

  • Winston Williams, Youth Minister
  • Cleon Athill, Youth Director
  • George Browne, Head of the Antiguan and Barbudan Commission
  • Janel Charles Williams, ABI Financial Group
  • Students and other youths

The website features:

  • Information for starting up a business
  • A featured young entrepreneur to share experiences for others trying to set up their own business
  • A website discussion forum for expressing ideas on issues surrounding youth development and entrepreneurship
  • Information on how to take advantage of business opportunities connected to the Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME), Cricket World Cup 2007 and much more…

The success of the website was reflected in the number of comments from interested users, including those from other parts of the world. Examples include the following:

"How is your Company/Organization doing? I check your website every now and then to see which young entrepreneur you are featuring. I really appreciate your concerns for those who will ultimately be a part of our future mercantile system, and thank you for your efforts at nation building."

The biggest concern for the ongoing future success of the project is going to be financial support, but it is hoped that young people will continue to be empowered and inspired by this website.

"There are many young people in Antigua and Barbuda who are desirous of setting up small businesses. They have great ideas, but they find it difficult to get the information they want to help them realize their dreams. This information includes who can help them write their business plans and where they can get financing. Here is where www.pandemove.com comes in. This website provides all the necessary information; young people will need to set up a business operation."

- Jamion Knight, Project Leader

<< LISTEN to Pan de Move's radio advertisement [MP3 1.37Mb]

Background information
Objectives, activities, progress reports, workplan, project proposal





Jamion Knight

Facts & other youth projects on Antigua & Barbuda from TakingITGlobal
Antigua & Barbuda:
Facts & other youth projects

Click for detailed map of the Caribbean

Map of the Caribbean [178Kb]
Source: Geoatlas Graphi-ogre


Click to enlarge
Jamion Knight at the launch ceremony of the website


This page last updated: 26 June 2006