Youth Visioning
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Kwéyòl Exchange Program 2006
The idea for an exchange between the islands of Dominica and Seychelles was suggested by Jahisiah Benoit in an article posted on the UNESCO Small Islands Voice website. The article was written in response to an article by a student from the Seychelles regarding the preservation of the Kwéyòl culture. They discovered that their islands shared a common vision for the preservation of the Kwéyòl culture and that both islands celebrated their Kwéyòl festivals during the month of October. Following this, youth from both islands exchanged ideas and suggestions on actuating the idea.
The exchange took place between 25 October - 4 November 2006 when Jahisiah Benoit (Dominica) travelled to Seychelles. Part of his goal was to experience the Kwéyòl festival in Seychelles so that similarities and differences could be identified to improve the Dominican festivals. Some of the activities that he took part in included:
- Moman Kreative ("improvised" version of the Kreol Festival);
- Visit to Kreol Village and Victoria Market;
- Official Opening of Creole Festival;
- Dimas Kreole Borlanmer;
- An interview with Seychelles Radio Station;
- Visit to Seychelles Kreol Institute;
- Kreol Youth Forum;
- Trip to Vallée de Mai (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and more.
The outcomes of his experience includes:
- Linkages have been established between the youth of Dominica and Seychelles;
- The youth of Dominica have a better understanding of the preservation of the Kwéyòl/Kreol language in other parts of the world;
- There has been a renewed spirit amongst the members of the Komitte Pou Etid Kwéyòltowards the development of a national Kweyol Curriculum;
- The Komitte Pou Etid Kwéyòl is embarking on a program to develop literature and activity books in Kwéyòl and are in the process of putting these plans into a proposal for consideration by the government;
- As identified in the Moman Kreative, drama has been used to introduce the Dominican youth to the Kwéyòl language as they develop public service announcements on environmental awareness in Kwéyòl. To date at least five (5) such PSAs have been developed
- The exchange reenergized Jahisiah to continue the process of promoting the Kwéyòl language in Dominica.
Final Report [.pdf 586Kb]
itinerary in the Seychelles
list of some of the Creole activities taking place
in Dominica
Background information
Objectives, activities, progress reports, workplan, project proposal
Jeremiah Benoit
| Seychelles
of the Caribbean [178Kb]
Source: Geoatlas Graphi-ogre
Source: Geoatlas Graphi-ogre