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About UIE

The Mission of UIE
UIE, one of six educational institutes of UNESCO, is a non-profit international research, training, information, documentation and publishing centre on literacy, non-formal education, adult and lifelong learning. By drawing on its long and unique experience linking educational research, policy and practice in these areas and by using its competence, its influence and its resources UIE makes a special contribution in enhancing access to learning, and improving the environment and quality of learning for all in all regions of the world.

UIE provides services in its areas of competence to UNESCO’s Member States, NGOs and grassroots and community organizations, but also to partners in civil society and the private sector. In doing so, the Institute works in close collaboration with its Paris headquarters , with UNESCO field offices in different countries, with sister institutes and with national and international partners.
The Senate (government) of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg provides the Institute with premises close to the University, in a house protected as a historic monument.

Organizational Structure
The Institute has a Governing Board consisting of 11 members, nominated ‘intuiti personae’ by the Director-General of UNESCO. The Board is made up of outstanding specialists in the educational field from different regions of the world, who meet once a year to review the progress of the Institute’s work and plan future policy. The Institute is headed by a Director, appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO. About 35 people are employed by the Institute, including researchers, publications and editorial staff, library personnel and technical support staff (translators, computer and communication specialists, administrative and secretarial personnel). 

Annual Reports (in pdf)

Adama Ouane, Director
Bettina Küster, Director's Assistant 

Research and Training
Bettina Bochynek - Research Specialist
Marc De Maeyer - Senior Research Specialist
Christine Glanz - Associated Researcher
Ulrike Hanemann - Consultant
Werner Mauch - Research Specialist
Carolyn Medel-Añonuevo - Senior Research Specialist
Laura-Maria Rinta - Associate Expert  
Madhu Singh - Senior Programme Specialist
Rika Yorozu - Programme Specialist
Louise Silz - Project Secretary

Publications and Information
Christopher McIntosh - Head of Publications and Information and Executive Editor, International Review of Education
Maren Elfert - Public Relations Consultant
Roselyne Höner - Publications Secretary
Cendrine Sebastiani - Publications Assistant

Documentation Centre and Library
Lisa Krolak - Head of Documentation Centre and Library 
Imke Behr -  Assistant Librarian

Klaus-Peter Humme - Administrator
Claudia Brandt - Deputy Administrator
Thony Elhor - ICT Consultant
Suzanne Musiol - Reception/Secretary 
Morteza Ahi - Caretaker
Melekkhanaum Khalili Charandabi, Mohammad Taleb Zahoori - Cleaning Staff