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Cultural Tourism

Cultural Tourism

    To create a discerning type of tourism that takes account of other people’s cultures

    It is a well-known fact that tourism can be a deadly foe as much as a firm friend in the matter of development.

    Considering the economic might of the tourist industry—now regarded as the biggest in the world ahead of automobiles and chemicals—careful attention should be paid to this many-sided phenomenon with its global repercussions. The impact of tourism is such that progressive strategies are vitally needed in order to prepare the ground for genuinely progressive international, regional and local strategies.

    It is UNESCO’s intention to assist the 191 Member States in preparing their policies while reconsidering the relationship between tourism and cultural diversity, tourism and intercultural dialogue, and tourism and development. In this way, the Organization proposes to contribute to the fight against poverty, protection of the environment and mutual appreciation of cultures.

    Pilot projects in the world:

    Reference texts and charters on cultural tourism