2008: International Year of Languages
Languages matter!
UNESCO invites all its partners to increase their own activities to promote and protect all languages, particularly endangered languages, in all individual and collective contexts.
On 16 May 2007, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2008 to be the International Year of Languages. As language issues are central to UNESCO’s mandate in education, science, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information, the Organization has been named the lead agency for this event.
To facilitate partnership and monitoring, a communication tool kit is available, as well as a list of possible fields of action and a list of the projects currently undertaken in the framework of the International Year of Languages. To submit your project to the list, please fill in the project form.
Thematic debate on languages at UNESCO’s Executive Board
Report on International Year of Languages launching at UNESCO
Call for Papers: 2nd Conference on Language Development, Language Revitalization and Multilingual Education in Ethnolinguistic Communities (1-3 July 2008, Bangkok)
Message from Mr Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, on the celebration of 2008, International Year of Languages
Esperanto, a fair language
UNESCO Headquarters
UNESCO-UNU International Conference on Globalization and Languages: Building on our Rich Heritage
United Nations University
Coloquio OEP-UNESCO: "Los intelectuales y artistas para el plurilingüismo y la diversidad"
(UNESCO, a las 15 horas, sala XI).
Video Conference: “Mother tongue: a multi-faceted, changing concept”
Room : G-12- 3/21
Calendar of Events
many locations
International Seminar on Literacy of Indigenous Youth and Adults
General Assembly proclaims 2008 International Year of Languages