On Sunday, April 25, the city of Kensington (Maryland, USA) will celebrate the World Book and Copyright Day with a street festival showcasing over 100 local authors, poets, bookartists, booksellers, small publishers, literary groups, and community organizations. The celebration will include live music, poetry and author readings, as well as activities for children and adults.
The Indonesia Reading Forum celebrates the World Book and Copyright Day in Indonesia with many workshops, photo contests and the programme of WBD Goes to School. For more information: Indonesia celebrates the World Book and Copyright Day since 2006 at the same time as the National Book Day (17th May) , as well as mobilizing libraries, publishers, reading communities, cultural and education agencies. The village of Ajmer in Rajasthan (India) will take part in the celebration of the World Book and Copyright Day with an outdoor library for children in the parks. The Directorate of Public Libraries and Puthagam Pesuthu of Bharathi Puthakalayam present for the celebration of the World Book and Copyright Day a Special Seminar on Copyrights issue the 22nd of April in the LLA Buildings Hall, in Chennai (India). Ljubljana will be World Book Capital City in the period between the World Book and Copyright Day 2010 and the World Book and Copyright Day 2011. In Ecuador the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education and the UNESCO Office in Quito launched the sixth edition of the Literary Contest "Book and Rose Day" open to young ecuadorians between 12 and 25 years old and including three sections : short story, poetry or essay. In Canada, the École secondaire Franco - Cité Ottawa, Ontario organizes a conference of the writer Yves Breton on the importance of books and respect of copyright. The Chair on Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Rights, in Moscow (Russian Federation) celebrates the World Book and Copyright Day by organizing a series of Round Tables diverse subjects, as well as concerts and other events. In the frawork of the International Year of the Rapprochement of Cultures, the Portuguese National Commission of UNESCO and the UNESCO Club "Espaço T" organize a public reading session in the library "Almeida Garrett" in Oporto. As in previous years, the World Book and Copyright Day will take place over 3 days in Luxembourg. This event mobilizes all major players of literature: booksellers, authors-writers, editors, bookbinders, readers, libraries, archives, and diverse organizations and associations. From the 22nd to the 24th of April 2010, organizers have designed a vast program of activities around books and reading, for both academics and the general public. A detailed program of these diverse events can be found here. (http://www.liesen.lu) In Malaysia, the Library of Kolej DISTED, in Penang, celebrates for first time the World Book and Copyright Day with a three-week exhibition on books and reading: See the brochure, page 23, at: http://www.ifla.org/files/asia-and-oceania/newsletters/december-2009.pdf The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) takes the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day 2010 to release a revised copyright statement for the Organization that can be accessed at http://www.fao.org/corp/copyright/en/ and at the bottom of all FAO web pages. The Cultural Centre España-Córdoba (Argentina) organizes the presentation of a book on intellectual property and copyright on 21 April and a conference of the Spanish poet Antonio Gamoneda (Cervantes Prize 2006) on 22 April. The Institute of Modern Languages of the Catholic University of Leuven organizes the "Night of the poets", on April 22 in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). The Division of Documentation and Information of the Library of the Aeronautical Institute of Technology (ITA) celebrates the World Book and Copyright Day with a book exhibition from various booksellers and scientific publishers. The event takes place from 8:30 to 17:00 at ITA’s library - Praça Marechal Eduardo Gomes, 50, São José dos Campos – SP. The Public School Prof. Sebastião de Oliveira Rocha in San Carlos / SP (Brasil) celebrates the WBCD with an hommage to the writers Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Monteiro Lobato, Cora Coralina and Jorge Luis Borges, and by organizing theatrical performances and staging of poems. On the occasion of World Book & Copyright Day, the Korean Publishers Society (KOPUS) and the Korea Book Managers Association (KBMA) sell selected quality books at special stands and distribute roses from 20 to 30 April. Further informations: kopus@kopus.org; jwnoh@unesco.or.kr The UNESCO Accra Cluster Office (Ghana) celebrates the World Book and Copyright Day in partnership with the Ghana Book Publishers Association (GBPA). From 23 to 25 April, GBPA organizes with Silverbird Book Shop a Book Bazaar at the main mall in Accra - the Accra Mall. The National University Library of "St.Kliment Ohridski" in Skopje (FYR of Macedonia) coordinates a series of events across the country. The University Library Mundiathèque of Mundiapolis, Casablanca, Morocco, organizes for the World Book and Copyright Day, the 3rd edition of his Cultural Days on the theme: "Curious thoughts and academic writings". This cultural project is placed in the week of April 19 to 24, 2010. From 21st to 28th April, the Association " France Méditerranée Pays Catalan" organizes in collaboration with the Institut Ramon Llull the 2010 Sant Jordi Catalan Caravan. The Cafés Iruña and La Granja (Bilbao) contribute for the twentieth consecutive year to the celebration of the Day offering books to their clients on Friday April 23. This initiative will be complemented with a contest about the book culture through www.cafesdebilbao.net website. As part of the celebration of World Book and Copyright Day, in partnership with the Senegalese National Commission for UNESCO and the Department of books and reading, a series of activities are organized on April 23 in the Lyceum Seydina Limamoulaye, in the suburbs of Dakar. The Bangladesh non Government Public Libraries Federation celebrates the World Book and Copyright Day with a Round Table, books away donations and a rally in Mirpur, Dhaka. On the occasion of the World Book and Copyright Day 2010 the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva organizes an exhibition: "Landmark books in economics: from Adam Smith to the XXIst century through the UNOG Library collections" and a display of books on copyright. A special page on copyright resources is available on the Library website. The exhibition "Landmark books in economics" will be open until 30 September 2010, for information contact: library@unog.ch Colombia participates in the World Book and Copyright Day with various television and radio activities as well as with seminars and concerts, coordinated by the National Direction for Copyright all over the country.For further informations: prensa@derechodeautor.gov.co The Republic of Djibouti celebrates World Book and Copyright Day with an exhibition on the June 27th Square, organized by the Ministry of Culture in partnership with the Association Amal.