Physical Education and Sport
And the winners of the Photo Contest on the Power of Sport Values are ...
Launch of UNESCO Report on racism and discrimination in international football
Participate in this UNESCO photo contest and promote sport values worldwide
UNESCO says education is key to eradicating the scourge of doping in sport
World-wide Survey of School Physical Education. Final report
The fundamental aim of the Worldwide Survey of Physical Education, undertaken in cooperation with NWCPEA (North Western Counties Physical Education Association), was to determine a set of universal principles of Quality Physical Education (QPE), which could be adopted and adapted for global implementation.
This research has significant value as it draws together statistics and data from every world region and extrapolates minimum standards in Quality Physical Education provision which are applicable to all Member States of UNESCO.
In this regard, this publication is relatively unique as the vast majority of analysis and harmonization in this field occurs at a regional or sub-regional level.