Current Issue of Diversities: Diversity and Small Town Spaces: Twenty Years Into Post-Apartheid South African Democracy
Vol. 15, No. 2, 2013
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Guest Editors: Melissa Steyn and Richard Ballard
South Africa represents an international site of interest on issues of reconciliation and transformation within a historical context of ethnic hostility, racial segregation and dire mismanagement of diversity. Since 1994, the old apartheid political structures including national government, provincial government and local government have been reformed and numerous laws have been enacted to redress past injustices and to facilitate greater economic and social equity. With the 20 years of democracy being celebrated in 2014, this special edition of Diversities is pertinent to the many questions that will be raised in taking stock of how far South Africa has come in changing the dynamics of segregation, exclusion and oppression that characterized the old dispensation. In particular, the articles collected in this volume speak to spatiality in small town life as a specific dimension of sociality.
Table of contents
- Diversity and Small Town Spaces in Post-Apartheid South Africa: An Introduction
Melissa Steyn (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa) and Richard Ballard (University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa) - Troubled Transformation: Whites, Welfare, and ‘Reverse-Racism’ in Contemporary Newcastle
Michelle Peens and Bernard Dubbeld (Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at Stellenbosch University) - Deserting Transformation: Heritage, Tourism, and Hegemonic Spatiality in Prince Albert
Haley A. McEwen (Wits Centre for Diversity Studies, University of the Witwatersrand) - Understanding Informal Segregation: Racial and Spatial Identities among the Indian Minority of Mokopane
Sahba Besharati (University of Cape Town and King’s College London) andDon Foster (University of Cape Town) - A Disgraced Whiteness: Tactics Used to Deny Racism, Reduce Stigma, and Elicit Sympathy
Suntosh R. Pillay (Department of Health, Durban) and Kevin Durrheim (University of KwaZulu-Natal) Open forum - Multiculturalism or Hybridization? Cultural Mixing and Politics
Paolo Gomarasca (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan) - How Does the Construction of New Families Impact Remittances?
Robin A. Harper (York College, City University of New York) and Hani Zubida (The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, Department of Political Science)