UNESCO » Executive Board » Past Events
19 February 2016: Intersession Meeting
4 - 15 April 2016: 199th session of the Executive Board
20.11.15 198th session of the Executive Board: Election of the Chairperson
19.11.15 Photo Gallery: Inauguration of Room X
11.11.15 Executive Board: Results of elections
11.11.15 Photo Gallery: Inauguration of the Delegates' Lounge
13.10.15 Photos of the 197th Session of the Executive Board
11.08.15 Renovation of the Executive Board Meeting Room (Room X)
10.06.15 Future Prospects with Professor Hiroshi Amano
05.05.15 UNESCO: Future Prospects with Nicole Ameline
04.05.15 Future Prospects: Women for Science
17.04.15 20 April 2015: UNESCO at 70 and Future Prospects - UNESCO and La Francophonie : Reinforcing Cooperation