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The Bureau

Who are the members of the Bureau and how are they elected?

The 12 Members of the Bureau of the Executive Board are (Ex. Board, Rules of Proc., rule 14.1):

the Chairperson of the Executive Board
Mr Michael Worbs (Germany)

the six Vice-Chairpersons countries of each electoral group

  • Sweden
  • Lithuania
  • Dominican Republic
  • Malaysia
  • South Africa
  • Morocco

the five Chairpersons of the permanent commissions (PX, FA) and committees (SP, CR, NGP)

  • Programme and External Relations Commission (PX)
    Chair: Mr Komlavi Francisco Seddoh (Togo)
  • Finance and Administrative Commission (FA)
    Chair: Ms Lorena Sol de Pool (El Salvador)
  • Special Committee (SP)
    Chair: Ms Samira Al Moosa  (Oman)
  • Committee on Non-Governmental Partners (NGP)
    Chair: Ms Besiana Kadaré (Albania)
  • Committee on Conventions and Recommendations (CR)
    Chair: Mr Shahidul Islam (Bangladesh)

The election of the Bureau takes place at the brief session of the Board held after each ordinary session of the General Conference (The Ex. Board of UNESCO, III, 32)


What is the role and function of this Bureau?

The Bureau has the role of facilitating the Board’s discussions, particularly by recommending in advance specific questions for discussions under each item of the agenda. It does not have any decision-making power.

The most important tasks of the Bureau are to:

  • assist the Chairperson in his/her functions
  • ensure a balanced distribution of agenda items among the different sessions
  • organize the work of its sessions in such a way as to ensure that the examination of the issues relating to the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the Programme and Budget and the Medium-Term Strategy takes a central place
  • study questions relating to invitations to conferences and the conclusion of agreements with international organizations or other matters which do not appear to require debate and it transmits to the Board its suggestions as to required decision.

(The Ex. Board of UNESCO, III, 33)

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