President of the 38th session of the General Conference
Stanley Mutumba Simataa - President of the 38th session of the General Conference. (c) UNESCO / P. Chiang-Joo
Mr Stanley Mutumba Simataa, Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology of the Republic of Namibia, has been unanimously elected President of the 38th session of the General Conference of UNESCO.
Mr Simataa brings to UNESCO over 30 years of professional, managerial and governance experience. His academic background and professional experience are in line with UNESCO’s field of competences.
General powers of the President
The President shall declare the opening and closing of each plenary meeting of the Conference. He shall direct the discussions, ensure observance of these Rules, accord the right to speak, put questions to the vote and announce decisions. He shall rule on points of order and, subject to the present Rules, shall control the proceedings and the maintenance of order. The President may, in the course of the discussion of an item, propose to the Conference the limitation of the time to be allowed to speakers, the limitation of the number of times each speaker may speak, the closure of the list of speakers or the closure of the debate. He may also propose the suspension or adjournment of the meeting or the adjournment of the debate on the item under discussion.
The President shall not vote, but may designate a member of his delegation to vote in his place.
The President, in the exercise of his functions, remains under the authority of the General Conference.
The President of the General Conference shall sit ex officio in an advisory capacity on the Executive Board.
Acting President
If the President finds it necessary to be absent during a meeting or any part thereof, he shall appoint one of the Vice-Presidents to take his place.
If the President is obliged to be absent for more than two days, the General Conference may, on the motion of the General Committee, elect one of the Vice-Presidents as acting President for the whole period of the President’s absence.
A Vice-President sitting as President or an Acting President, shall have the same powers and responsibilities as the President.
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