Nominations Committee - Room IV
The Nominations Committee (Rules 34 and 35 of the Rules of Procedure) consists of the heads of all delegations entitled to vote.
It will hold its first meeting at 12 noon on Tuesday 3 November 2015 in order to establish, after examining the recommendations of the Executive Board, the list of nominations for the offices of President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference, and to consider nominations to the chairs of the commissions. The Committee will meet in due course in order to draw up the lists of nominations for all the other offices to be filled by election by the General Conference.
Functions of the Nominations Committee
a) Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference and of the Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs of the commissions and committees
After taking cognizance of the report from the Executive Board, and without any obligation to accept its recommendations, determines and submits to the General Conference the list of nominations for the posts of President and of the Vice-Presidents of the General Conference. Furthermore, it proposes the names of persons to serve as Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs of these bodies.
b) Election of Members of the Executive Board
The Nominations Committee considers candidatures for vacant seats on the Executive Board, having regard to the diversity of cultures and a balanced geographical distribution (Article V.A.3 of the Constitution). It submits to the General Conference a list of Member States that are candidates.
c) Elections of the members of Commissions, Committees and other subsidiary organs of the General Conference
The Nominations Committee determines and submits to the General Conference proposals for the composition of committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the General Conference. The Committee organizes itself the elections to fill the vacant seats of these organs on the basis of the candidatures received from Member States.
Items on the Agenda
1.5 Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference and of the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons and rapporteurs of the Commissions and Committees
12.1 Election of Members of the Executive Board
12.2 Election of the members of the Legal Committee for the 39th session of the General Conference
12.3 Election of members of the Headquarters Committee
12.4 Election of members of the Conciliation and Good Offices Commission responsible for seeking the settlement of any disputes that may arise between States Parties to the Convention against Discrimination in Education
12.5 Election of members of the Council of the UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE)
12.6 Election of members of the Intergovernmental Council for the Information for All Programme (IFAP)
12.7 Election of members of the International Coordinating Council of the Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB)
12.8 Election of members of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
12.9 Election of members of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP)
12.10 Election of members of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)
12.11 Election of members of the Intergovernmental Council of the Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme
12.12 Election of members of the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC)
12.13 Election of the members of the Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS)
12.14 Election of members of the Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
12.15 Election of the members of the Executive Committee of the International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo
Daily Agenda
Summaries of debates