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  International Network "Culture Tourism and Development" (594), established in 2002 at the Institute of Advanced Research and Studies on Tourism (IREST), University of Paris I (Panthéon - La Sorbonne) (France)

Fields / Disciplines

Culture Tourism and Development

  • To promote an integrated system of activities of research, training, information and documentation as regards culture, tourism and development

  • To provide opinion and expertise to help the countries, particularly the least developed to establish postgraduate degrees allowing the formation of experts on the economic and cultural stakes of tourism.

  • To create research centres on the economic, legal, ecological and cultural angles of tourism.

  • To facilitate the bonds between the members of the Network and in particular, between the existing postgraduate degrees and research centres.

  • To help the members of the Network to find specialized teachers, to facilitate experts research, to develop students, researchers and teachers exchanges, to obtain specialized information on tourism.

  • Accroître la capacité d’expertise professionnelle ainsi que la qualité et le niveau de formation, et renforcer l’insertion internationale d’enseignants et chercheurs isolés, en particulier dans certains pays d’Afrique sub-saharienne.

  • To take the students aware of the contents of the International Conventions of UNESCO, in particular that of 1972 on the protection of the world, cultural and natural inheritance, that of 1970 concerning the measures to be taken to prohibit and prevent the import, the export and the transfer of illicit properties of the cultural goods, and that of 1954 for the protection of the cultural goods during armed conflicts.

  • To allow an international recognition of the qualifications of the postgraduate diplomas created within the Network.

  • To facilitate the development and use of the corresponding information.

  • To allow the members of the Network to be in permanent connection.

  • To contribute to the implementation of new technologies, in particular video-conferences (Global Network of the World Bank).

Host Institution

Institute of Advanced Research and Studies on Tourism (IREST), University of Paris I (Panthéon - La Sorbonne). Website

Webpage of the UNESCO Chair

UNESCO Sector / Field Office responsible for the Chair/Network


Rapport final, la liste des participants et les présentations
Rapport final des 2emes rencontres 2006: Les 2èmes Rencontres du Réseau UNESCO-UNITWIN "Tourisme - culture - développement" les 11 et 12 mai 2006 à Gréoux-les-Bains : "Comment mieux associer le tourisme culturel au développement durable des territoires : du terrain aux enseignements ? "(en pdf)


Fields / Disciplines

Culture Tourism and Development

  • To promote an integrated system of activities of research, training, information and documentation as regards culture, tourism and development

  • To provide opinion and expertise to help the countries, particularly the least developed to establish postgraduate degrees allowing the formation of experts on the economic and cultural stakes of tourism.

  • To create research centres on the economic, legal, ecological and cultural angles of tourism.

  • To facilitate the bonds between the members of the Network and in particular, between the existing postgraduate degrees and research centres.

  • To help the members of the Network to find specialized teachers, to facilitate experts research, to develop students, researchers and teachers exchanges, to obtain specialized information on tourism.

  • Accroître la capacité d’expertise professionnelle ainsi que la qualité et le niveau de formation, et renforcer l’insertion internationale d’enseignants et chercheurs isolés, en particulier dans certains pays d’Afrique sub-saharienne.

  • To take the students aware of the contents of the International Conventions of UNESCO, in particular that of 1972 on the protection of the world, cultural and natural inheritance, that of 1970 concerning the measures to be taken to prohibit and prevent the import, the export and the transfer of illicit properties of the cultural goods, and that of 1954 for the protection of the cultural goods during armed conflicts.

  • To allow an international recognition of the qualifications of the postgraduate diplomas created within the Network.

  • To facilitate the development and use of the corresponding information.

  • To allow the members of the Network to be in permanent connection.

  • To contribute to the implementation of new technologies, in particular video-conferences (Global Network of the World Bank).

Host Institution

Institute of Advanced Research and Studies on Tourism (IREST), University of Paris I (Panthéon - La Sorbonne). Website

Webpage of the UNESCO Chair

UNESCO Sector / Field Office responsible for the Chair/Network


Rapport final, la liste des participants et les présentations
Rapport final des 2emes rencontres 2006: Les 2èmes Rencontres du Réseau UNESCO-UNITWIN "Tourisme - culture - développement" les 11 et 12 mai 2006 à Gréoux-les-Bains : "Comment mieux associer le tourisme culturel au développement durable des territoires : du terrain aux enseignements ? "(en pdf)

Recommandation finale de premières rencontres du réseau UNITWIN « Culture, tourisme, développement »; 18-19 Mars 2005
La recommandation ci-jointe a été adoptée à l’issue de la réunion. - More



March 18-19, 2005 (UNESCO) - First meeting of universities UNITWIN networks « Culture Tourism and Development »
May 10-13, 2006 (France)-Second meeting of UNESCO-UNITWIN Network "Culture, Tourism and Development"

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© UNESCO 2005