ASPnet News Infos n°19 (In preparation)
This issue presents the winners of the UNESCO/DaimlerChrysler “Mondialogo School Contest” and prepares for the Decade for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).
ASPnet News Infos n°18 : A new direction!
The Global Review; the ASPnet 50th Anniversary International Congress in Auckland, New Zealand; the new strategy and plan of action 2004-2009, plus 2004 commemorating the Slavery and its Abolition, the Truce Story, HIV-AIDS and young people and the new EFA Page. The cover shows the winners of the “ASPnet in Action” teachers’ photo contest.
ASPnet News Infos n°17 : Happy birthday ASPnet !
A milestone in UNESCO’s history is reached as ASPnet – one of its longest running programmes and biggest networks – celebrates 50 years of promoting quality education in practice. Also covered: the International Year of Freshwater (2003), school twinning, “Feeding minds, Fighting Hunger”, and a new web resource on the slave trade.
ASPnet News Infos n°16
The International Year of Mountains ; the International Year of Ecotourism and the United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage …lots of themes for ASPnet schools to build projects and activities on.
Also: responsible consumption and collections of poems and recipes by ASPnet schools
ASPnet News Infos n°15
The Peace Pillar Award Initiative; the winners of the International cartoon contest on peace and non-violence; Outstanding National Coordinators; a resource book on the Caribbean and a CD from ASPnet students. Not forgetting a general mobilization for the United Nations Years of Dialogue among civilization and the International Year against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance(2001).
ASPnet News Infos n°14
A new look for a new millennium, along with ideas for celebrating the International Year for the Culture of peace (2000) in partnership with the media and the community both online and offline. A focus on poverty and an explanation of co-action projects as a way to combat it.