Tenth Anniversary of the Programme UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks WORLD FORUM OF UNESCO CHAIRS 13-15 November 2002, UNESCO, Paris
- UNESCO Chairholders,
- UNITWIN Network Co-ordinators,
- University Presidents,
- National Commissions,
- Representatives of partners to the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme,
- Media
Working Languages:
English and French
-Celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Programme;
-Assessing the main progress achieved by UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks in different fields of the competence of UNESCO;
-Providing guidance to all those involved in the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme in regard to the new orientations of UNESCO's Mid-Term Strategy for years 2002-2007 and to the priorities established by Member-States for UNESCO's Programme and Budget for years 2002-2003;
-Attributing Honorary UNESCO Awards for the Chairs/Networks, who were most efficient in manifesting solidarity through transferring and sharing knowledge with higher education institutions in other countries.
UNITWIN Award Winners The Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, opened today the World Forum of UNESCO Chairs. The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme is one of UNESCO’s major activities in the field of higher education. The Director-General presented the Forum as “an opportunity for open and constructive dialogue on the question: Where do we go from here?” >> More...
Proposal for Launching the “Academics across Borders” Initiative This provision is in compliance with the decisions and recommendations of the World Conference on Higher Education (WCHE), convened by UNESCO in 1998, which underlined the need to reduce the growing gap between the industrially developed and the developing countries with regard to higher level training and research, at a time when the production, dissemination and application of knowledge is unanimously recognized as a key factor in the socio-cultural and economic development of nations. - More...