ASPnet conducts its activities at the global level and its goals can be summarized as follows:
At the national level:
National Commissions for UNESCO and Ministries of Education establish a network of schools interested in carrying out activities and in order to improve quality education, particularly its ethical, cultural and international dimensions by developing effective teaching approaches, methods and materials. This network is designed to have a multiplier effect through the diffusion of information on results obtained so that other schools in the country can carry out similar activities. There are numerous cases where ASPnet contributes to educational reform and renewal in various Member States of UNESCO.
At the regional level:
Countries within a region often share common denominators such as language, religion and culture. To strengthen these bonds, each region of the world is encouraged to set up an educational Plan of Action, to include regional seminars and workshops for National Co-ordinators and teachers, student and teacher exchanges, and other initiatives and events, most notably "Flagship projects".
At international level:
Efforts are made to facilitate an exchange of information on ASPnet at all levels, the conduct of international flagship projects, special events, campaigns, contests and to encourage contacts and links of solidarity between participating institutions.