Thank you very much for your interest in the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network. We do our best to answer every individual query, but much of the information requested can be found below. Therefore, please take the time to read the following to see if it contains the answer to your question.
Application requests:
Membership of the UNESCO ASP Network is restricted to educational institutions with prior approval from the national authorities. You are cordially invited to familiarize yourself with the network and its activities before making the decision to apply. All application requests and procedures to become a member school must be addressed to through the National Commission for UNESCO in your country whose contact details can be found at:
Requests for funding, scholarships, etc.
The ASPnet budget is fixed in advance every year for ASPnet school activities only. We regret that we cannot answer the many requests for funding and scholarships that arrive in our mailbox daily. ASPnet, like UNESCO in general, is not a funding organization.
Definition of ASPnet flagship Projects
Experimental projects on specific issues at the regional, interregional or international levels. Participants are selected ASPnet schools in a few chosen countries. Both a national and an international co-ordinator are designated for each flagship project.
Definition of ASPnet pilot Projects
Experimental projects and activities undertaken by individual schools for a specific period of time on one or more of the four main themes of ASPnet.Schools should submit an annual report of their pilot projects to their ASPnet National Co-ordinator.
Employment and training
Enquiries concerning employment and training opportunities at UNESCO should be addressed to the Recruitment Section of the Human Resources Management Bureau:
The World Heritage Kit
The Kit can be visualized in 3 languages (English, French and Spanish), The hard copy of the kit in English is available at United Nations bookstores for 30 euros. If you wish to receive it by mail, please write to: UNESCO Publishing, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris, France. Fax:(+33-1) 45 68 57 37.