UNESCO Chairs and
UNITWIN Networks |
University Community and Education For All (EFA)
International meeting on the University Community and EFA - Creating and sustaining improvements, held from 3 to 4 November 2004 at UNESCO Headquarters (Room XI).
This meeting was held as part of UNESCO’s effort to make higher education institutions more visible in the EFA movement in particular, but also in the broader global development agenda.
It brought together Rectors and Vice-Rectors of universities, NGOs, university associations, policy-makers and the EFA partners to share and analyse experiences and to chart various ways in which higher education institutions can contribute to the achievement of EFA.Special attention was given to research, training and dialogue.
Two UNITWIN Networks and one UNESCO Chair are established as follows:
Eléments de réflexion de l’agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
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La Francophonie a décidé de se doter d’un cadre stratégique décennal précisant ses missions
et ses objectifs stratégiques pour la période 2005-2014. A partir de 2006, les programmations de tous les opérateurs de la Francophonie seront quadriennales. L’AUF a déjà anticipé cette inflexion stratégique en resserrant ses programmes et en développant un système de suivi pertinent. Un rythme de programmation couvrant quatre années est particulièrement adapté à l’enseignement supérieur et à la recherche. - More
A Chinese Case Study of East-China Normal University, by Jianpan Wang, Youqun REN, Daming FENG and Jiping FENG
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Roles of Universities in Promoting EFA - More
Major Activities and Achievements, The Danish Agency for Development Assistance (DANIDA)
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Support to Primary Education Project (SPEP)
A Professional Support Structure for Primary Education - More
Universities and EFA, by Mr Georges Haddad, Director, Division of Higher Education, UNESCO, and Mr Victor Ordonez, East-West Center
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Changing trends in Higher Education; Continuing Efforts in Education for All, Major points of interaction between higher education and basic education, The Emerging New Paradigm - More
Open University: Promoting Quality Education, by Dr Paul Clark, Pro-Vice Chancellor, The Open University, UK.
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Power point presentation - More
The role of Universities in contributing to education for all in the Windhoek Office Cluster Countries, by Claudia Harvey, Director and UNESCO Representative to Angola, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland
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The paper discusses the impact of globalization, especially with regard to the challenge of new information communication technologies and the brain drain in African universities. It further looks at the role of universities in Africa in contributing to the strategies of NEPAD to ensure education for all and sustainable development.
Practical examples from the Windhoek Cluster countries will be provided on how universities can collaborate with governments and civil society institutions in the promotion of education for all. - More
EFA and the Institute of Education, University of London: implicit and explicit engagements, by Prof. Angela W. Little, Profesor of education Institute of Education, University of London, U.K.
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This report focuses on the role of the Institute of Education of the University of London in the EFA movement. The Institute of Education is a graduate college of the Federal University of London. - More
Challenges to achieve quality Education For All (EFA): The Role of Higher Education, Abhimanyu Singh, International Coordination and Monitoring, Division, Education Sector, UNESCO
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Power point presentation. - More
Contribution de l'Institut international pour l’enseignement supérieur en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes (IESALC) à la Rencontre Internationale sur la Communauté universitaire et l’Education Pour Tous, Caracas, Venezuela.
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Proposition de lignes d’action en faveur de programmes pour la formation des
enseignants. - More
Partnerships in Higher Education: Norway’s support to the education sector, NORAD
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Power point presentation. - More
The University Community and EFA, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), by Jacqueline Smith
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Power point presentation. - More
University Community and EFA – Creating and Sustaining Improvements, Views from Professor Goolam Mohamedbhai, Vice-Chancellor, University of Mauritius
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UNESCO should be commended for organizing this international meeting aimed at involving universities in the EFA process.
There has been a perception that EFA deals mainly with basic and primary education and is therefore of little concern to universities. This is not
true, as the wider objectives of EFA in promoting social, economic and sustainable development are very much in the ambit of universities. - More
The Role and Contribution of NGOs, by Dr Andrea Leskes, Vice President for Education and Quality Initiative, Association of American Colleges and Universities, USA,
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Power point presentation.
The NGO as civic conscience for the university’s public mission and contributions to EFA. - More
Improving the quality of teacher education, by Prof. Taina Kaivola,Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland
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Some miscellaneous notes about the challenges of improving subject teacher education in Finland and especially at the University of Helsinki.
The memo rests on the conclusions of a recently published evaluation report:
Kaivola, T., Kärpijoki, K. & H. Saarikko (eds.) (2004). Towards coherent subject teacher education: Report on the collaborative quality improvement process and international evaluation. Evaluation of the quality of education and the decree programmes of the University of Helsinki. Evaluation projects of the University of
Helsinki 21. - More
Enseignement supérieur et Education pour tous, par Pr. Abdou Salam Sall, Recteur, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal
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La contribution de l’université, sa place et son rôle dans la poursuite des objectifs d’éducation de qualité pour tous tout au long de la vie, seront exposés à travers les trois points suivants :
- formation des ressources humaines, en particulier des personnels d’éducation ;
- intervention hors des structures et systèmes éducatifs dans les projets de développement social et économique ;
- recherche et expérimentation en vue de la réduction du gap technologique et du fossé numérique. - More
The Haves and Have-nots in Tertiary Education and Tertiary Students Abroad:Learning Without Borders, by UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal,Canada
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Figures and analysis. - More
Contribution, Bureau régional de l`UNESCO pour l’Education, Santiago, Chili.
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L’EDUCATION POUR TOUS de qualité ne pourra pas s‘assurer sans l’implication de l’éducation supérieure. - More
Role of universities in EFA: ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGION, Molly N.N. LEE, UNESCO Office in Bangkok, Thailand
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Power point presentation. - More
The African University and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Initiative, UNESCO Abuja.
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At the invitation of UNESCO Abuja Office and the National Universities Commission (NUC) of Nigeria, a Roundtable was held in Abuja, Nigeria, on 28-29 September, 2004 on "The African University and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Initiative". - More
Contribution of the Sector of Culture, UNESCO
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Suggestions for university involvement. - More
ALO Partnerships in Teacher Education 1998-2004, by Mr. Gary W. Bitter, Director Higher Education and Workforce Development, U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, U.S.A.
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Higher Education and Education for all: Towards greater interaction, by Mr Georges Haddad, Director, Division of Higher Education, UNESCO, and Victor Ordonez, East-West Center
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power point presentation. - More
Address by Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of the International Meeting on the University Community and EFA; UNESCO
- September 2005-
The Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, yesterday opened an international meeting at Headquarters on the theme of the “University Community and EFA”. - More
List of contributions and presentations
- November 2004-
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University Community and EFA - Creating and sustaining improvements
- November 2004-
Terms of Reference - More
List of participants: International Meeting: University Community and EFA (3-5 November 2004, UNESCO-HQ, Paris)
- November 2004-
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Programme: International Meeting: University Community and EFA
- November 2004-
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Education For All (EFA): Global Monitoring Report
- The 2005 Report: Education for All, The Quality Imperative
- Go to the Website
