UNESCO is leading two United Nations’ Decades and is promoting several international days officially recognized by the United Nations. The Organization also plays an active role in the annual Education for All Week.
United Nations' Decades UNESCO is taking a coordinating role in stimulating and catalyzing action to promote the creation of a literate environment worldwide. The overall goal of the Decade is to integrate the values inherent in sustainable development into all aspects of learning. The aim: to encourage changes in behaviour that allow for a more sustainable and just society for all.
The world's nearly 6,000 languages are celebrated on International Mother Language Day, an event aimed at promoting linguistic diversity and multilingual education. International Literacy Day marks the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies. See also: Guide on UNESCO International Literacy Prizes World Teachers’ Day commemorates the signing of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers on 5 October 1966. More than 100 countries currently celebrate World Teachers’ Day. World AIDS Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the pandemic. Despite tremendous efforts, the rate of HIV/AIDS infection continues to grow and the impact of the pandemic remains alarming. See also: Full list of UN recognized days
UNESCO prizes related to Education Global Action Week A world-wide advocacy campaign organized each year at the end of April to celebrate the anniversary of the World Education Forum held in 2000 in Dakar, Senegal. It aims to mobilize governments and the international community to keep their promise to achieve Education for All by 2015. |
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