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Academics Across Borders

University Twinning and Networking/UNITWIN

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 UNESCO Chairs and
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UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge

The Global Forum on International Quality Assurance and Accreditation

UNESCO/NGO Collective Consultation on Higher Education


  Habitat and Cities

The main objective is to improve participation of City Professionals in the development and implementation of innovative urban and architectural tools and approaches for design, planning and construction.
General aims of these Chairs are to:

- increase critical knowledge of technical responses to problems related to urban planning, architecture and built environment with specialised NGOs, universities and private institutions;

- improve institutional dialogue between City Professionals, NGOs, universities' research centres, social movements and public organizations.

  Capacity-building for city professionals and co-operation networking

With the aim of strengthening scientific, professional and institutional capacities and adapting the academic education with the present needs of the profession in an urbanizing world, particularly in developing countries, a new project has been launched through the "Latin American Network for City Professionals".

Interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches to the education of Architects, Land- and Townplanners are also being developed within working groups in co-operation with Urban NGO's.

City Professionals

MOST Capacity building for young scientists has embarked upon a new activity focusing on the training of "city professionals" which is to deal with the problems of the disparity between university training, changing professional practices regarding the production and management of urban space and developments in the job market.

This international project aims not only to adapt study programmes to the challenges currently facing city professionals, but also to improve the development and use of techniques and skills and enhance the ability of institutions to develop appropriate responses to the new methods of planning and governing urban space, such as teamwork among the different professional sectors involved in this field.

The project is being implemented to begin with in the Latin American and the Caribbean region. Based on the choice of a small number of innovative educational experiments being carried out in universities of the region, it consists in setting up a platform for exchanges between higher education and research centres, professional associations and other civil society organisations, in order to ensure mutual support and the dissemination and replication of know-how.

More detailed information on the project is available in English, French and Spanish.

Below a list of established UNESCO Chairs - UNITWIN Networks in the field of Habitat and Cities by country.

UNESCO Chair in sustainable urban development for Asia and the Pacific (817), established in 2008 at the University of Newcastle (Australia)

UNESCO Chair "City and Environment" (31) established in 1993 at ORDECC, Colegio Do Brasil (Brazil)

UNESCO Chair on landscape and environment (622), established in 2003 at the University of Montréal (Canada)

Chaire UNESCO sur l’habitat élémentaire (796) établie en 2007 à l’Université Polytechnique de Madrid, l'Ecole Technique Supérieure d’Architecture et de l’Institut Juan de Herrera (Espagne)

UNESCO Chair "Urban policies and citizenship " (767), established in 2007 at l’École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État, Lyon (France). Available in French.

UNESCO Chair in Urban and Regional Planning for Sustainable Local Development (815), established in 2008 at the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy)

UNESCO Chair in Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants: Urban Policies and Practice (816), established in 2008 at the Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy)

UNESCO Chair in the Social Sustainability of Historical Districts (829), established in 2008 at the Yonsei University (Republic of Korea)

UNESCO Chair in Habitat and socially sustainable development (344), established in 1998 at the ITESO - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (Mexico)

UNESCO Chair for the study of the housing problem in Latin America : urban heritage, restoration and habitat (244), established in 1997 at the University of Valladolid (Spain)

UNESCO Chair in Intermediate Cities: Urbanization and Development (823), established in 2008 at the University of Lleida (Spain)

UNESCO Chair on Growing up in cities (702), established in 2005 at the Cornell University, New York (United States of America)

UNESCO & International University Cooperation
Who's who?
Launching of the Academics Across Borders Initiative (AAB)
World Forum of UNESCO Chairs
UNESCO Chairs & UNITWIN Networks in Higher Education

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