UNESCO invites members of education communities worldwide to participate in its online discussion forums on education themes. Forums provide an opportunity to share knowledge and information, debate, and exchange innovative projects and ideas.
Closed forums 1-30 April 2008 Quality Education to End Exclusion The twin themes of Global Action Week 2008 (21-27 April) are quality education and inclusion as key factors in attaining the six Education for All goals. This global discussion forum is one of the activities organized by UNESCO in support of the Week. Throughout the month of April, UNESCO invites participants to exchange their views and experience on how to end exclusion and improve educational quality. A special section of the forum is available for children and young people. 25 September -15 October 2007 Textbook development This forum seeks to initiate a global dialogue on the role of textbooks in promoting peace, human rights and gender equality. Participants are invited to post comments and suggestions (in English, French or Spanish) on good practices in textbook development and measuring the impact of educational media on peace building processes. The intention of the discussion is to identify ways of transforming ideas into action. 25 Avril – 30 June 2007 Online consultation about the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) 2005-2014 Many countries have mobilized for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) since its launch in 2005. As part of a stocktaking exercise, UNESCO is carrying out an assessment of the progress and achievements towards the objectives of the Decade. This online consultation will help to prepare a progress report on the first two years of the UN DESD. 4 December 2006 – 12 January 2007 2008 EFA Global Monitoring Report This consultation helped to prepare the 2008 EFA Global Monitoring Report, a key stocktaking exercise to assess progress towards the achievement of the six EFA goals. It focused on policies and strategies for reaching the unreached children, youth and adults who are deprived of the right to good quality education. |
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