UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet)
UNESCO Associated Schools’ First Collection of Good Practices for Quality Education as exemplary practice at the international level, were available at the stand in French and English. This publication provides a series of ASPnet good practices in inclusive education as well as in Education for Sustainable Development, Education in support of Intercultural dialogue and Human Rights Education. Available in English and in French (Arabic and Spanish follow later), this First Collection was largely distributed to the Conference’s participants.
Three of the four Mondialogo School Contest winning projects of this year were presented on this occasion: the partnered schools from Lebanon and Serbia, Ukraine and Indonesia and Syria with the United States of America, along with their respective posters, books, photos, DVDs summarizing their outstanding results in terms of Inclusive Education, major theme of this ICE’s session.
Encouraging inclusive education, the Mondialogo awarded projects of Lebanon and Serbia (designing features for a playground for children with special needs), of Indonesia and Ukraine (a mobile library bike for remote areas in Indonesia allowing access to education with multi-language books produced during the project) and Syria and USA (addressing the predicament of Iraqi refugee children in Syria) give a larger picture of the diversity of the inclusive education concept.
Mondialogo give-aways also distributed, and attracted many visitors to the stand: Ministers of Educations, ASPnet National Coordinators, other UN Agencies, NGOs and teachers.
The International Conference on Education is a major international forum for education policy dialogue among Ministers of Education and other stakeholders (researchers, practitioners, representatives of intergovernmental organizations and civil society). The theme of the 48th session of the ICE was “Inclusive Education: the Way of the Future” and was held from 25-28 November 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland. It was organized by the UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE). The concept of inclusive education, look more carefully into the role of governments in the development and the implementation of policies on inclusive education, draw attention to education systems that offer opportunities for life-long learning and emphasize the role of teachers to meet the learners’ diverse expectations and needs. These issues were debated in the form of an introductory debate during a plenary session chaired by the Director-General of UNESCO, four thematic workshops followed by summing-up plenary sessions, a number of side-events and a final debate in a plenary session. It was visited by 101 Education ministers and hundreds of participants from 138 countries.