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UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge

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2-12-2009 (Canada)-The 3rd annual Canadian Symposium on Arts and Learning at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto, UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning, Queen's University

The symposium will focus on Advancing Canadian Action, charting a national, regional, global course for Research, Networking & Advocacy.

Two distinguished international authorities will address the third annual Canadian Symposium on Arts and Learning at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto, December 2-4, 2009. The symposium will focus on Advancing Canadian Action, charting a national/regional/global course for Research, Networking & Advocacy.

As a Regional Summit of the World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE), it will be framed by three key questions.

  • 1)Where does Canada currently stand in research and best practices?
  • 2) What challenges are confronting arts and learning?
  • 3) What actions need to be taken in the next decade to advance arts and learning?

    Professor Anne Bamford will speak about research into the impact of arts education. Director of the Engine Room at the University of the Arts London, England, Anne Bamford has been recognised internationally for her research in arts education, emerging literacies and visual communication. As a World Scholar for UNESCO, Anne Bamford researched and wrote "The Wow Factor: Global research compendium on the impact of the arts in education" published by Waxmann. She has conducted major national impact and evaluation studies for the governments of Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium and Australia. Anne Bamford was awarded the Australian Institute for Educational Research, Outstanding Educational Research Award for 2002 and short listed for the British Female Innovator of the Year in 2006. Professor Bamford is the author of several books and many journal articles. She is on secondment as the Director of Cultural Programmes for Creativity, Culture and Education, overseeing the introduction of new cultural programming for all children in the UK.

    Dan Baron Cohen will speak on building effective networks in arts education. A community-based theatre director, playwright, photographer and arts educator, he has been living and working in Brazil since 1998. Dan Baron Cohen is President of the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA), Chair of the World Alliance for Arts Education, and was Director of the World Creativity Summit (Hong Kong, 2007). He has published Alfabetização Cultural: a luta íntima por uma nova humanidade (São Paulo, 2004), Theatre of Self-Determination (Derry, North of Ireland, 2001), and numerous articles. He co-founded and worked with Frontline: Culture & Education in Manchester and Derry gradually developing an arts-based cultural method for learning participatory democracy, in dialogue with excluded communities. His past nine years of project collaborations with social movements, schools and universities in Brazil and his workshop collaborations with organisations in Latin America, Europe, South East Asia and Africa have advanced this method into his pedagogy of Transformance.

    More information

    English Contact:
    Linda Albright
    Phone: 1-866-356-0089

    French Contact:
    Anny Champoux Tel: 1- 613.241.8770 poste 30

  • Related links

    UNESCO & International University Cooperation
    Who's who?
    Launching of the Academics Across Borders Initiative (AAB)
    World Forum of UNESCO Chairs
    UNESCO Chairs & UNITWIN Networks in Higher Education

    UNITWIN Guidelines and Procedures
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