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 UNESCO Chairs and
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UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge

The Global Forum on International Quality Assurance and Accreditation

UNESCO/NGO Collective Consultation on Higher Education


  List of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks in Higher Education

  Below a list of established UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks (marked in bold)in the field of Higher Education by country.


UNESCO Chair in Evaluation of Higher Education in Algeria (682), established in 2005 at the University of Mentouri-Constantine, Constantine (Algeria)

UNESCO-UNU Mobile Chair in University History and Future (10), established in 1997 at Palermo University (Argentina)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education Management (525), established in 2001 at the National University of Quilmes (Argentina)

UNESCO Chair in Post-Graduate and Lifelong Education (828), established in 2008 at the Armenian State Pedagogical University (Armenia)

UNESCO Chair in Education Planning and Management (699), established in 2005 at the National Institute of Education of Armenia (Armenia)

International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) (421), established in 1999, (Australia)

UNESCO Chair in Educational Technologies (414), established in 1999 at the University of the West Indies (Barbados)

R I M A Network for Curriculum Integration and Academic Mobility (328), established in 1994 at Pontificia Universidad Católica do São Paulo (Brazil)

UNESCO Chair in Comparative Higher Education Policies and Systems (800), established in 2008 at Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago (Chile)

UNESCO Chair on inclusion in higher education (859), established in 2009 at the University of Santiago de Chile (Chile)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education (461), established in 1999 at Peking University (China)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education (67), established in 1992 at the University of the Andes (UNIANDES) (Colombia)

UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education (609), established in 2003 at the University of Zagreb (Croatia)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education Management (76), established in 1993 at the University of La Havana (Cuba)

UNESCO Chair in Education sciences (77), established in 1994 at the Latin-american and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute (Cuba)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education for Sustainable Development (687), established in 2005 at the University of Lueneburg (Germany)

UNESCO Chair in Management, Planning, and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (822), established in 2008 at the Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education (Islamic Republic of Iran)

UNESCO-UNU Chair in Leadership Studies (121), established in 1997 at the United Nations University, International Leadership Academy, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, c/o University of Jordan (Jordan)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education (137), established in 1994 at Mauritius Institute of Education (Mauritius)

UNESCO Chair on Regional Integration and University (139), established in 1995 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)

UNESCO Chair in Quality Assurance of Transnational Higher Education (647), established in 2004 at Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico)

PEACE Programme: Palestinian-European-American Cooperation in Education (317), established in 1992 (Palestinian Authority)

UNESCO Chair in Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education under the Conditions of Systemic Social and Economic Transformations (169), established in 1996 at the University of Warmia and Mazury (Poland)

UNESCO-EOLSS Chair in Intellectual Entrepreneurship in the World of Work for Sustainable Development (171), established in 1998 at the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management (Poland)

UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education (608), established in 2003 at Babes Bolyai University (Romania)

UNESCO Chair on Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education (795), established in 2007 at the Academy of Law and Management, Moscow (Russian Federation)

UNESCO Chair in Eurasian Studies, Cultural Diversity and Cultural Policies (827), established in 2008, at Kazan State University (Russian Federation)

UNESCO Chair in University Management and Planning (200), established in 1998 at the Ural A. M. Gorky State University (Russian Federation)

UNESCO Chair in Policies of Higher Education (509), established in 2000 at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Russian Federation)

UNESCO Chair in Development of Education Research and Institutional Building (797), established in 2008 at the Centre for Education Policy, Belgrade (Serbia)

UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education (607), established in 2003, Alternative Academic Educational Network (AAEN) (Serbia)

UNESCO Chair in Open Distance Learning (732), established in 2006 at the University of South Africa (South Africa)

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI) (510), established in 1999 at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education Management (349), established in 1998 at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, (Spain)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education Management and Policy (482), established in 1999 at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain)

UNESCO Chair in Education Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (492), established in 1999 at the University of Alcalá de Henares (Spain)

UNESCO Chair in innovation and management of the entrepreneurial culture within the university framework (739), established in 2006 at the University of Santiago de Compostela(Spain)

UNESCO Chair in Education for Sustainable Development (727), established in 2006 at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg (Sweden)

UNESCO Chair in Educational Policy, Planning, Management and Research Development (749), established in 2006 at Makerere University, Kampala (Uganda)

UNESCO Chair in Information and Communication Technologies in Education (269), established in 1995 at the International Science and Technology University (Ukraine)

UNESCO Chair in Technical Higher Education, Applied Systems Analysis and Informatics (403), established in 1999 at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" (NTUU “KPI”) (Ukraine)

UNESCO Chair in Applied Research in Education (635), established in 2003 at Sharjah Women's Higher College of Technology (United Arab Emirates)

UNESCO Chair in Political Economy of Education (679), established in 2005 at the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education Management (504), established in 2000 at the University of Bath (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

IAUP-International Association of University Presidents (322), established in 1996 (United States of America)

UNESCO Chair in Higher Education (485), established in 1999 at the University of Puerto Rico (United States of America)

Association of Universities Grupo Montevideo (AUGM) (312), established in 1995, (Uruguay)

UNESCO Chair in comparative higher education (284), established in 1997 at the Central University of Venezuela (Venezuela)

UNAMAZ Amazonian Universities Association (319), established in 1993 at the CENAMB, Central University of Venezuela (Venezuela)


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