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Founded in 1953, UNESCO’s Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), commonly referred to as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network of some 8.500 educational institutions in 179 countries (ranging from pre-schools and primary to secondary schools and teacher training institutions), who work in support of quality education in practice.

In Focus

Second Collection of Good Practices: ASPnet in Support of Education for Sustainable Development
This publication, which targets coordinators and teachers, presents a variety of successful school-based projects, activities and approaches contributing to Euducation for Sustainable Development from ASPnet's 8,500 Associated Schools in 179 countries.


World Teachers' Day: Passion and patience the key to effective teaching
World Teachers' Day: Passion and patience the key to effective teaching14-10-2009 (UNESCO ASPnet) - “What is important is passion and patience” says Jean-Marc Septsault, focal point for Education for Sustainable Development in the French UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet). - More

Climate Change Education: „Education is about changing minds, not passing exams“
Climate Change Education: „Education is about changing minds, not passing exams“17-08-2009 (UNESCO ASPnet) - To prepare students for the effects of climate change tomorrow, education needs to change behaviours today. In addition to acquiring knowledge about climate change, students have to learn how to be resilient, adaptable and manage change, being open to life-long learning. Monica Regisford-Douglin, national coordinator of UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) of Trinidad and Tobago, is sheding light on the necessary shift of mindset to form citizens for the future. - More

Climate Change Education: Images from the Future
Climate Change Education: Images from the Future11-08-2009 (UNESCO / ASPnet Denmark) - What holds the future for our children 30 years from now? How can climate change be affected in a positive way? Would classmates ride a bicycle to produce energy for the school? UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) in Denmark set off to answer these questions: More than 80 students presented their “Images from the future” in the National Museum of Denmark. - More

Patrimonito mobilizes against climate change: A new cartoon for World Heritage Education
Patrimonito mobilizes against climate change: A new cartoon for World Heritage Education03-08-2009 (UNESCO ASPnet) - UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre have launched a new cartoon episode of Patrimonito, a young heritage guardian. “Patrimonito in Australia” raises awareness of climate change threatening the Pacific World Heritage. - More

„In addressing climate change, the action of individual students can mobilize the whole community“
„In addressing climate change, the action of individual students can mobilize the whole community“29-07-2009 (UNESCO ASPnet) - Climate change is a truly global challenge. It will impact all ecosystems and human societies. Addressing climate change requires involvement and action at local, regional and global level. Mr Dieufort Deslorges, national coordinator of the UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) in Haiti, attended the International Seminar on Climate Change Education at UNESCO, Paris, 27-29 July 2009. He explains how ASPnet students in Haiti have taken action. - More

International Seminar on Climate Change Education, France, 27-29 July
International Seminar on Climate Change Education, France, 27-29 July29-07-2009 (UNESCO) - “Why do I have mangoes in July?” was the title of one of the presentations at a three-day expert seminar on climate change education at UNESCO HQ in Paris, which brought together 60 experts in climate change, education for sustainable development and curriculum development, in particular coming from Small Islands Developing States. - More

6th European Meeting of UNESCO Associated Schools
6th European Meeting of UNESCO Associated Schools10-07-2009 (UNESCO ASPnet) - 23 National Coordinators of UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) of Europe met in Beit Berl, Israel, from 21-25 June 2009, to discuss the achievements and future orientations of the ASP network. - More

ASPnet in support of Education for All: Global Action Week 2009
ASPnet in support of Education for All: Global Action Week 200914-05-2009 (UNESCO ASPnet) - Students and teachers from UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) in all regions of the world participated in the Global Action Week 2009 (20-26 April). Under this years’ campaign slogan “Open Books – Open Doors”, ASPnet schools organized colorful activities on the importance of literacy and literate environments. - More

Schools can make a difference! A call for Education for Sustainable Development projects in the Asia-Pacific
Schools can make a difference! A call for Education for Sustainable Development projects in the Asia-Pacific05-05-2009 () - Teachers in the Asia-Pacific region are invited to submit good educational practices to promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). - More

Photo Contest Reversing Realities: Seeking Gender Equality in Education
Photo Contest Reversing Realities: Seeking Gender Equality in Education27-04-2009 (UNESCO) - As part of the initiative to promote gender equality in education, UNESCO Bangkok and the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative invite entries for the photo contest 2009 on the theme of Reversing Realities: Seeking Gender Equality in Education.

All entries must be received at the UNESCO Bangkok office by 31 July 2009. Judging will take place in August 2009 at UNESCO Bangkok and the 13 winning photos will be announced at the end of September 2009.
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ASPnet in support of Education for All
ASPnet in support of Education for All10-04-2009 (UNESCO ASPnet) - UNESCO Associated Schools are invited to participate in the Global Action Week from 20-26 April 2009, focusing on youth and adult literacy and lifelong learning with the slogan “Open Books – Open Doors ”. - More

The Future of Education: 24-hour online student conference
The Future of  Education: 24-hour online student conference09-04-2009 (ASPnet, Germany) - The Tenth International Internet Conference for students, "Agenda 21 NOW!", will take place over a period of 24 hours on 23 April 2009. - More

Just published: Good Practices for Education for Sustainable Development
Just published: Good Practices for Education for Sustainable Development31-03-2009 (UNESCO) - UNESCO’s Associated School Network (ASPnet) launches the Second Collection of Good Practices: ASPnet in Support of Education for Sustainable Development during UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development – Moving into the Second Half of the UN Decade, 31 March to 2 April. - More

ASPnet at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, March 31 to April 2
ASPnet at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, March 31 to April 216-03-2009 (UNESCO ASPnet) - Good practices in education for sustainable development will be presented by UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) at the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Bonn, Germany from March 31 to April 2. - More

UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet)
UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet)09-12-2008 () - The UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) showed examples of good practices in inclusive education on a special stand at the International Conference on Education (ICE) in Geneva, Switzerland, from 25 to 28 November 2008. - More

Publication of ASPnet’s “First Collection of Good Practices for Quality Education”
Publication of ASPnet’s “First Collection of Good Practices for Quality Education”10-10-2008 (UNESCO ASPnet) - The UNESCO Associated Schools network (ASPnet) has just published its “First Collection of Good Practices for Quality Education”, a sample of twenty outstanding practices conducted by ASPnet schools at all levels of schooling. - More

Students learn how to save the ozone layer
Students learn how to save the ozone layer16-09-2008 (UNESCO) - A schools action pack on the ozone is being launched to celebrate the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer on September 16. - More

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