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2 - Case studies



Gender and Ethnicity in the Context of Equality and Access in Lao Education - (UNESCO Bangkok)
Gender ethnicity ED copy.jpg(UNESCO, 2003) This draft report is a synthesis of two field-based studies, conducted in 6 provinces of Lao during 2002/2003 by two research teams. This report provides an overview of the Educational System in Lao PDR, looks at the factors that affect access, persistence and learning at primary and secondary levels, and examines causes and solutions related to children's dropout.

Scaling up good practices in girls' education - (UNESCO ED/BAS/PE)
Scaling up thumbnail.jpg(UNESCO 2005) Publication prepared on behalf of the United Nations Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI) on Scaling up good practices in girls' education. 80 pages

Winning people's will for girl child education: community mobilization for gender equality in basic education; a case study - (UNESCO Kathmandu)
ED4.bmp(UNESCO 2005)The present case study attempts to document the process, the outcomes and the lessons learnt from UNESCO’s project to “Win People’s Will” to educate girl children in two communities in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal.44 p.

Democracy, Gender Equality and Women’s: Experience from Nepal - (UNESCO Kathmandu)
Nepal thumbnail copy.jpg(UNESCO Kathmandu, 2004). Paper presented at the Adult Learning and Literacy for Democracy and Citizenship International Adult Learners Week, September, 2004, Cape Town, South Africa.

Gender Equality in Basic Education and Lifelong Learning through CLCs - (UNESCO-Bangkok)
Gender equality CLC thumbnail.bmp

Women Teachers in rural India - 2001 - (New Delhi - Indian National Commission for UNESCO)
women teachers thumbnail.bmp

Girls' and Women's Education: Policies and Implementation Mechanisms. Synthesis of five case studies: India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal - 1998 - (UNESCO Bangkok)

Girls' and Women's Education: Policies and Implementation Mechanisms - case study: Laos - 1998 - (UNESCO Bangkok)
(UNESCO Bangkok, 1998)

Girls' and Women's Education: Policies and Implementation Mechanisms - case study: Nepal - 1998 - (UNESCO Bangkok)

Girls' and Women's Education: Policies and Implementation Mechanisms - case study: Thailand - 1998 - (UNESCO Bangkok)

Gender equality in basic education in Latin America and the Caribbean: state of the art - (UNESCO Chile)
ED6.bmp(UNESCO 2002) “This region is unique in that girls are not just equal to boys, but sometimes they are even in a more advantageous position than boys in terms of school education(…) However, it appears that gender stereotyping, discrimination based on gender and gender bias are still evident, especially in rural and remote areas”… 54 p.





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