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Girls and science: a training module on motivating girls to embark on science and technology careers - (UNESCO SC)
Girls and science training module thumbnail.bmpSocial and economic development of a country is closely linked to the educational level of its female population. As women in the developing world are generally under-represented in science and technology, this module aims to address the inherent gender disparities in this field, with a specific focus on Africa.

AGORA Education for girls - online forum - (UNESCO/SC)
AGORA thumbnail copy.jpg27 March 2006 - UNESCO and L'Oreal have launched an online forum - AGORA - to highlight women's contribution towards scientific progress. Launched this month, AGORA will focus on topics such as science education for girls, women working for sustainable development, bioethics and diversity, the SciDev.net network has reported.

GENDER, science and technology: an Asia & Pacific gender mainstreaming training manual - (UNESCO Jakarta)

Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming in Science and Technology - (UNESCO Jakarta)
20 pages

Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming in Science and Technology - 2004 - (RESGEST - UNESCO Jakarta)
These guidelines are designed to demonstrate what gender mainstreaming is, why it is important in science and technological enteprise, and how to go about doing it. 20 pages.

Toolkit on Gender Indicators in Engineering, Science and Technology - (UNESCO UNISPAR)
GST gateway thumbnail copy.jpgDeveloped in the framework of the UNISPAR project, this Toolkit seeks to help its users collect sex-disaggregated data in scientific and technological activities for national and international policy.

Good practices in science and technology for poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment - (APGEST - UNESCO Jakarta)

Asia Pacific Gender Equity in Science and Technology (APGEST) project - (UNESCO Jakarta)
APGEST site copy.jpgFind here a wealth of gender, science and technology resources, best practices, studies.





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