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  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization



Participating in an ongoing dialogue among nations

The mission of dialogue and cooperation which UNESCO, a specialized agency of the United Nations, has been pursuing since its founding in November 1945 covers four major fields: education, science, culture and communication.
Its aim: to build peace in the world through knowledge, social progress, exchange and mutual understanding among peoples.
This is a mandate which is evolving with the twenty-first century.

Understanding the new global issues

Promoting the human dimension of development in an era of globalization has become one of UNESCO’s priorities.
The principles involved? For UNESCO, the preservation and the promotion of cultural diversity goes hand-in-hand with respect for the fundamental rights of each individual and the sharing of knowledge.

That is why UNESCO is involved in the development and application of international standard-setting instruments such as the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage and is taking action in the field, for example in Afghanistan where professional staff in the Kabul office are helping local authorities to put the education system back on its feet.

Global issues must be matched by a personal commitment made by the men and women who work for UNESCO.

Making a personal commitment and joining a strong team

UNESCO’s work for peace is in the hands of those who promote the values vital to its success.
As at January 2012, 1,217 individuals were working at UNESCO Headquarters and 896 in field offices and institutes around the world, representing more than 172 different nationalities.

Men and Women:

Who are experts in their field
Because tomorrow’s policies are determined by a comprehensive analysis carried out today, UNESCO is seeking men and women who can address global problems from the standpoint of their specialization.

Who believe in dialogue
Because intergovernmental action can only be made effective by consensus, UNESCO is seeking men and women who are capable of coordinating their activities through dialogue and partnership.

Who promote multiculturalism
Because people of all nationalities meet daily at UNESCO, the Organization welcomes men and women who are capable of communicating while respecting cultural differences.

Who embrace mobility
Because UNESCO’s effectiveness is based on an international approach, the Organization needs men and woman capable of working not only at its Headquarters in Paris, France, but also in its field offices or in one of its centres or institutes around the world.

Working with UNESCO

... As an individual

If you would like to help UNESCO achieve its aims, the first step is to see what opportunities are available for career development by consulting the overview of work opportunities in the Organization.

Once you have chosen the type of post at UNESCO in which you are interested, you can access further information to determine if you have the right employment profile, to find out how to apply, and to learn about the recruitment process and the corresponding post status.

The list of vacancies will tell you which posts are currently open for recruitment through the Internet.

... As an organization

If you belong to an institution such as a school, university or NGO which would like to cooperate with UNESCO, consult the External Relations and Cooperation section on this website.

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