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Temporary Assistance at UNESCO

From time to time, UNESCO needs extra services provided by persons other than its own permanent staff. These temporary services enable the Organization to deal with a short-term overload of work or to bring in ad hoc outside expertise.
japanesegarden6_250.jpg Temporary staff at UNESCO fall within the following categories:

  • Supernumeraries: Provide temporary assistance enabling a Secretariat unit to discharge the ordinary responsibilities or duties normally incumbent upon its permanent staff members when it cannot cope with these because of a temporary overload of work due to exceptional circumstances. Applicants for supernumerary positions at Headquarters must have authorization to work in French territory.

  • Consultants: High-level specialists employed by UNESCO for a specific short period of time in order to provide advice to Member States, intergovernmental or international non-governmental organizations or the Secretariat at Headquarters or in the field. UNESCO endeavours to enlist the services of consultants of all nationalities.

  • Appointments of limited duration: This type of contract is utilized for professional or programme specialist functions and cover projects or activities of limited duration. It is limited to technical cooperation in the field and posts financed from extrabudgetary funds in the field and at Headquarters. Assignments are not expected to exceed three years.

    Contracts of this kind are not systematically advertised. Recruitment of these various kinds of temporary staff is the responsibility of the employing sector or unit of UNESCO according to their needs. There is no central recruitment system except for special cases or when General Service staff are required.

    Temporary staff cannot expect to be recruited at the end of their contract. Throughout the duration of their contract with UNESCO they are not considered to be officials or staff members of the Organization.





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