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Gender Mainstreaming Tools
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International Women’s Day

Key gender related documents



Gender and Climate Forum - (BSP/GE)
Gender and Climate : Is Climate Change Gender-Neutral ?

To address this issue, UNESCO's Divsion for Gender Equality, assisted by the Natural Sciences Sector, organized the "Gender and Climate Forum" as part of the World Climate Conference-3 on 1st September 2009.

Priority Gender Equality : Action Plan 2008-2013 - (BSP/GE)

In UNESCO's Medium-Term Strategy 2008-2013, gender equality has been designated as one of the Organization's two global priorities.

This priority is supported by a dual approach which consists of gender mainstreaming and gender-specific programming

Passport to Equality - New Edition - (UNESCO)
Passport to Equality.jpgThe Passport to Equality is a pocket size document that presents, explains and reproduces the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in the form of a personal passport. New 2006 edition available in French, English, Spanish & Catalan.

UNESCO's Gender Mainstreaming Implementation Framework - 2003 - (GMIF) - (UNESCO BSP/GE)
GenderMainstreamingFramework.bmpThis document seeks to translate UNESCO’s commitment to “integrate a gender perspective in policy planning, programming, implementation and evaluation activities” (31 C/4) into practical directives that will yield visible and tangible results.

Handbook for Gender Focal Points in UNESCO National Commissions - (UNESCO BSP/GE)
GenderFocalPointsHandbook.bmpParis, June 2005 – Document developed to guide Gender Focal Points within UNESCO National Commissions. The Handbook provides information on UNESCO’s Gender Mainstreaming policy and on the role of GFP’s.

UNESCO - Mainstreaming the Needs of Women - Brochure - (UNESCO)
The Needs of Women.jpg

UNESCO Resolutions - (UNESCO)
UNESCO Room 1.jpg

Gender Equality and Equity - A summary review of UNESCO's accomplishment since the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing 1995 - 2000 - (UNESCO - BSP/GE)
Equality and Equity.jpg

Guidelines on Gender Neutral Language - (UNESCO - BSP/GE)
Neutral Language.jpg





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