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Exhibition : « Art Kassena : femmes artistes de Tiébélé », Ms. Kaïdin-Monique le Houelleur, Côte d'Ivoire (8-19 March 2010, Salle des Pas perdus)
Organised in cooperation with the Permanent Delegation of Cote d'Ivoire to UNESCO

In 1996, while traveling from Abidjan to Timbuktu, in pursuit of the publication of a book, Kaïdin-Monique le Houelleur discovers the artstyle Kassena in Burkina Faso and the women artists of this region.

Kaïdin gd.JPG Kaïdin-Monique has taught the women artists to paint on new materials, such as the bark-tree, to allow them to better disseminate their art, sell, develop awareness and generate financial resources for their village.

Since then, the artists have traveled to China and to France to exhibit their artworks.

Website of Kaïdin Le Houelleur

Source BSP/GE
Author(s) BSP/GE





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