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UNESCO Implementing Mauritius Strategy


 1.  Climate change
 2.  Natural disasters
 3.  Waste Management
 4.  Coastal & marine resources
 5.  Freshwater resources
 6.  Land resources
 7.  Energy resources
 8.  Tourism resources
 9.  Biodiversity resources
10. Transport & communication
11. Science & technology
12. Graduation from LDC status
13. Trade
14. Capacity building & ESD
15. Production & consumption
16. Enabling environments
17. Health
18. Knowledge management
19. Culture
20. Implementation
UNESCO at Mauritius '05
Contributions & events
From Barbados'94 to Mauritius'05
UNESCO involvement
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Small Islands: Looking Forward - Beyond 2004

(Click here for complete version)
Aims & Context
The aim of this short document is to contribute a forward-looking perspective to the ongoing review of the Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) Programme of Action, which will culminate in an international meeting in Mauritius in August 2004. The document has been prepared by UNESCO as part of its own contribution to the Barbados+10 (B+10) process (http://portal.unesco.org/islandsBplus10)

This working draft is designed to encourage reflection and debate. It has been based on various studies and papers produced recently. [1] Readers are invited and encouraged to contribute their ideas and suggestions. The intention is that the draft will be revised periodically in the lead-up to the August 2004 meeting in Mauritius, with updated drafts accessible through the special UNESCO web site for the B+10 process.


1. Sources of information used in the preparation of this discussion document include the following:

  • Pacific Region Multi-Stakeholder Consultation in Preparation for the World Summit for Sustainable Development. Apia, Samoa, 4-7 September 2001.

  • AOSIS Inter-Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Singapore, 7-11 January 2002. http://www.sidsnet.org/workshop/singapore_meeting.htlm

  • Small States and Sustainable Development: Bridging the Gap (2002). Paper prepared by the Commonwealth Secretariat for the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Commonwealth Secretariat, London.

  • Resilience and Sustainable Development (2002). Science background paper commissioned by the Environmental Advisory Council of the Swedish Government in preparation for WSSD. ICSU Series on Science for Sustainable Development No. 3. International Council for Science (ICSU), Paris. http://www.icsu.org/Library/WSSD-Rep/Vol3.pdf

  • The Growing Vulnerability of Small Island Developing States (2002). Report prepared by the University of the West Indies, Centre for Environment and Development, Mona, Kingston. http://www.sidsnet.org/

  • Small Islands Voice: Laying the Foundation (2003). Report based on Small Islands Voice inter-regional workshop. Palau, 18-22 November 2002. UNESCO, Paris. http://www.unesco.org/csi/pub/papers2/siv.htm





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