Home > Educating for Sustainability - Updated: 26-08-2002 11:16 am
Education is not an end in itself.
It is a key instrument for bringing about the changes in the knowledge, values, behaviours and lifestyles required to achieve sustainability and stability within and among countries, democracy, human security and peace.
Hence it must be a high priority to reorient educational systems and curricula towards these needs. Education at all levels and in all its forms constitutes a vital tool for addressing virtually all global problems relevant for sustainable development, in particular poverty, HIV/AIDS, environmental degradation, knowledge formation and sharing, rural development and changes in production and consumption patterns.
News Archive
| Youth, Sustainable Consumption and Lifestyles |
| In a joint project , UNESCO and UNEP seek to gain better understanding of young people’s consumption patterns and to work with them in promoting more sustainable consumption patterns for the future. >> More
| A Dynamic Balance - by UNESCO
01/06/2002 -The dynamic balance between cultural differences and this emerging global ethic is a key concept in educating for a sustainable future.More |
| Thinking about Forever - by UNESCO
01/06/2002 -Underlying all our images of a sustainable future is the key principle that sustainability is about 'thinking about forever'.More |
| What is sustainable development ? - by UNESCO
01/06/2002 -The term 'sustainable development' was popularised by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in its 1987 report entitled Our Common Future.More |
| Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) - UNESCO Launched in 1953, ASPnet promotes the ideals of UNESCO through a worldwide network which includes over 6,700 educational institutions ranging from pre-school education to teacher training in 166 countries. >> More info >> Go to website
| Educating for Sustainable Development (ESD) transdisciplinary project - UNESCO Set-up in 1994 on an experimental intersectoral basis, as the principal mechanism within UNESCO to follow up the recommendations concerning education made by the major UN conferences of the 1990s and related international conventions. >> More info >> Go to website
| Education for All (EFA) - UNESCO Providing education for all citizens by 2015 is the aim of a comprehensive strategy of Education for All, adopted by the World Education Forum held in Dakar in April 2000 and based on six overarching goals. >> More info >> Go to website
| Environmental Education - UNESCO The roots of education for sustainable development are firmly planted in environmental education, which in the early 1970s was given a powerful boost by the UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972. >> More info >> Go to website
| Science and Technology Education - UNESCO In a world increasing shaped by science and technology, education in these fields is a universal requirement for all citizens. >> More info >> Go to website
| University Chairs (UNITWIN) - UNESCO At the higher education level , the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme serves as a prime means of capacity-building through the transfer of knowledge and sharing in a spirit of solidarity with and between developing countries. >> More info >> Go to website
| Youth Xchange - by UNESCO This guide and website have been designed to serve as a tool kit to help trainers involve the largest possible number of young people in sustainable consumption efforts. More |
| Easy Guide to Undertake Socio-Cultural Research - by UNESCO The scope of this guide is limited to first time users in action-oriented participatory research. It provides the basic important concepts and tools for data collection and analysis for new and ongoing projects. More |
| Cambiar es posible - by UNESCO Este libro presenta propuestas sobre desarrollo sostenible, que nos hablan de cooperación, entre gentes del Primer y Tercer Mundo. More |
| Los Desafíos Ambientales - by UNESCO La búsqueda de medios e instrumentos que faciliten acciones concertadas a todos los niveles para encontrar soluciones interdisciplinares e intersectoriales eficaces. More |
| Educating for a Sustainable Future: A Transdiciplinary Vision for Concerted Action - by UNESCO This document was prepared by UNESCO as Task Manager for Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, as a contribution to the Work Programme of Education, Public Awareness and Training of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development. The Work Programme "calls on UNESCO to take the lead in refining the concept and key messages of education for sustainable development". More |
| Educación en Población - by UNESCO Se trata de una serie de textos destinados a la educación para la vida familiar en la escuela, elaborados por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia. More |
| El análisis Interdisciplinar de la Problemática Ambiental - by UNESCO Este texto nace del encuentro de un equipo interdisciplinario. El objetivo que persigue es presentar, de forma articulada, los diferentes enfoques o perspectivas que pueden ser utilizados para interpretar un fenómeno o problema ambiental. More |
| My Beloved Planet - by UNESCO With humour, but with scientific rigour, his book sets out some of the complex problems related to the environment and population that affect the whole world. More |
| Education for sustainable development UNESCO’s Vision and Perspective - by As the UN System’s principal organisation for Education, UNESCO will continue reinforcing its commitment to Education for All (EFA) and follow-up activities to the Dakar World Education Forum (April, 2000) through its vision of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). This entails an integrated education approach to address inter-sectoral policies, strategies and programmes towards water, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity (WEHAB) development. More |
| Education and Sustainable Development: UNESCO’s Contribution to Agenda 21 - by Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, on Education, Awareness and Training states:
Education is critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness, values and attitudes, skills and behaviour consistent with sustainable development and for effective public participation in decision-making. Both formal and non-formal education are indispensable to . . . sustainable development. More |
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